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  • Walkman
  1. “随身听效应”指的是由于使用便携式音乐播放器等科技产品,使人们从周围的公共环境中脱离出来。

    Walkman effect refers to the disengagement from surrounding public space caused by the use of technology , such as a portable music player .

  2. 当一个人使用耳机等便携设备创造出私人环境时,“随身听效应”这种现象就产生了。

    The Walkman Effect is the phenomenon that occurs when an individual creates a seemingly personal environment through portable devices , usually accompanied by head / earphones .

  3. 这款随身听的外壳是防水的。

    The personal stereo has a water-resistant outer case .

  4. 扬声器作为随身听的附加装置出售。

    Speakers are sold as add-ons for personal stereos

  5. 我们有一个望远镜,他们有一个CD随身听。

    We have a telescope and they have a CD walkman .

  6. 谢谢您借给我cd随身听。

    Thank you for letting me borrow your portable CD player .

  7. 但我还要给Chris买个随身听

    but I have got to get that Walkman for Chris .

  8. 基于MPI平台随身听面板注塑成型优化设计

    Optimizing Design of Injection Molding of Personal Stereo Panel Based on MPI

  9. 2001年的10月23日,苹果电脑公司首次发行iPod掌上随身听。

    On October23rd , 2001 , Apple Computer releases the first iPod .

  10. 本文论述了基于DSP的MP3随身听实时编码适配器系统的设计与开发技术。

    This paper deals with the design and development of a real-time encoding system for MP3 player based on DSP .

  11. 图为索尼最新的触摸屏的X系列随身听,与上一个热点,并与应用程序的自由散漫的音乐获得完整的无线天线。

    Pictured here is Sony 's newest touch-screen X-Series Walkman , complete with a wireless antenna for getting onto hot spots and free music with the Slacker app .

  12. 我们当时有随身听,没有IPod。

    We had the Walkman , not iPods .

  13. 相反,从随身听产生出了今天无处不在的智能手机、MP3播放器,还有蓝牙耳机。

    The Walkman , by contrast , spawned the ubiquitous smartphones , MP3 players and Bluetooth headsets of today .

  14. Walkman(随身听)一词很有意思,因为它甚至不是英语词。

    Walkman is fascinating because it isn 't even English .

  15. iPod随身听我太太有生以来所收到的最不受欢迎的礼物是我于2001年平安夜送给她的。

    IPod The most unpopular gift my wife ever received came from me on Christmas Eve of2001 .

  16. 如果能从MP3生意中赚更多的钱,为什么还要在老式的便携式随身听生意中苦苦挣扎呢?

    If you can make more money with MP3 players , why are still struggling with the old portable cassette player ?

  17. 他弹开了他的车载随身听下面的一个小隔间,在塞满了那个小空间的三十张或者更多的CD里抽了一张出来,递给我。

    He flipped open a compartment under his car 's CD player , pulled out one of thirty or so CDs that were jammed into the small space , and handed it to me .

  18. 下学期我想申请学校的工读。我想买个MP3的随身听和数位相机。

    A : I 'm thinking of applying for work-study next semester . I would like to buy an MP3 player and a digital camera .

  19. 可充电电池一般用于手机、笔记本电脑和数码照相机等设备。索尼的产品包括PlayStation游戏机和随身听。

    The rechargeable batteries are used in devices such as mobile phones , laptop computers and digital cameras .

  20. 我在书桌里一阵乱翻,直到找到我的旧耳机为止。我把它们塞进了我的小随身听的插孔里,然后选了一张圣诞节时菲尔送给我的CD。

    I dug through my desk until I found my old headphones , and I plugged them into my little CD player . I picked up a CD that Phil had given to me for Christmas .

  21. 我们当时有随身听没有IPod这四周的一些街区没有现在这样诱人时报广场不是适合全家人去的地方

    We had the Walkman , not ipods Some of the streets around here were not quite so inviting Times Square was not a family destination .

  22. 微软去年增加了随身听的几项功能,方便用户无线上网下载音乐和购买已植入FM收音机装置中可以听的歌曲。

    The company added new features to Zune 's music service last year , enabling users to download music wirelessly and buy songs they hear on the device 's built-in FM radio .

  23. 不可避免的是,你可能会从十几岁的老日记里找到一些陈年旧事,日记里详细记载着古代流行音乐歌星、不可思议的walkman随身听和《太空侵略者》(spaceinvaders)游戏。

    Inevitably , perhaps , there is something of a retro revival for old teenage diaries , with their details about ancient pop stars , miraculous Walkman personal stereos , and space invaders .

  24. 布赖恩・科恩(BrianCohen)读大学时第一次乘坐国际航班去巴黎,当时他借了一个索尼随身听,用来听埃尔顿・约翰1975年的专辑《奇异船长与黄沙牛仔》(CaptainFantasticandtheBrownDirtCowboy)。

    Brian Cohen 's first international flight , to Paris during his college years , included listening to the 1975 Elton John album ' Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy ' on a borrowed Sony Walkman .

  25. 例如,推出了由索尼首创开发的被称之为随身听的袖珍便携式磁带放音机,以及采用电脑技术以数码储存与再现音乐信息的CD激光唱片音响。//

    The examples are the Sony Corporation 's invention and development of the tiny portable tape players known as the Walkman , and the compact disc , or CD , system based on the technology of computers with music information stored and reproduced digitally . / /

  26. 结果表明大学生MP3设计心理评价由18个因素构成,其中核心因素是MP3随身听的象征意义与个性表现的心理价值。

    The result of factor analysis reveals that mentality evaluation of MP3 design for college students is made up of 18 factors . The basic factor is the mentality value of symbolic meaning and expression of individuality .

  27. 如果中国品牌要在全世界与对手展开竞争,他们需要拿出一些我们从没见过的东西让我们叹服,就像索尼(Sony)推出改变人们生活的随身听(Walkman)那样。

    If Chinese brands are going to take on their rivals around the world , they need to dazzle us with something we have never seen before , much like Sony did with its life-altering Walkman .

  28. 随着日本经济飞速发展,该国的电子业巨头也开始统治内存芯片、彩色电视和盒式磁带录像机市场,它们的研发实验室开发出了一批定义了一个时代的产品,例如随身听、CD和DVD播放机。

    As the Japanese economy surged , its electronics conglomerates ruled the market for memory chips , color televisions , and videocassette recorders , while their research labs gave birth to gadgets that would define an era : the Walkman , CD and DVD players .

  29. 数字音乐早已经悄然渗入到我们的生活之中,从最早出现的CD唱机到现今流行的MP3随身听和网络音乐等,都是数字音乐逐渐演变出来的各种形式和内容。

    In the life that digital music seeps into long ago already quietly to us , from the earliest turn up CD gramophone to nowadays popular MP3 Walkman and network music etc. , the various form and content being that digital music develops out gradually .

  30. 凭借PlayStation游戏主机和随身听(Walkman),该公司曾经一度走在游戏和音乐行业的前沿,可现在往往被认为是毫无头绪,甚至傲慢自大。

    The company that was once on the cutting edge in gaming with the Playstation and in music with the Walkman , is now widely regarded as prone to cluelessness or , worse , arrogance .