
  • 网络scratch card;scratchcard;Scratchy Card
  1. 不过,在会议过程中,小心谨慎地递给他一张全国乐透抽奖的刮刮卡。

    However , during the meeting , discreetly pass him a National Lotto scratch card .

  2. 被视为现钞的替代者,刮刮卡同时也引起了武装劫匪的兴趣。

    Viewed as cash substitutes , scratch cards have also drawn the attention of armed robbers .

  3. 这些像刮刮卡一样的代码可以像电话充值卡一样使用。

    The scratch-off card works like a telephone recharge coupon .

  4. 对嗅觉,使用气味刮刮卡,诸如此类。

    for smell , a set of scratch-and-sniff cards ; and so forth .

  5. 嘉海人生活在马来半岛的热带雨林,以觅食为生。研究小组在他们那里发现,嘉海人对于气味刮刮卡的回答很简洁,而且更加准确。

    When the research team visited the Jahai , rain-forest foragers on the Malay Peninsula , they found that the Jahai were succinct and more accurate with the scratch-and-sniff cards .