
  • 网络free delivery
  1. 我们买了六把椅子,他们又免费送了我们一把。

    We bought these six chairs , and they gave us the other one for nothing .

  2. 我们可以随时展示,也很乐意免费送一个或多个给好家庭。

    We can show them at any time and are glad to send one or more of them to good families for free .

  3. 最终,Haley女士也没开车送任何人去任何地方,但她命令州政府把没有身份证明的投票人在9月28日免费送去DMV。

    In the end , Mrs Haley did not drive anyone anywhere , though she has ordered the state to ferry voters without ID to the DMV free of charge on September28th .

  4. 该公司的一位发言人表示要免费送我一盒。

    A company spokeswoman offered to send me a free box .

  5. 上车吧,我免费送你们。

    Get in the cab and I 'll take you for nothing .

  6. 除了打折扣,他们还免费送至机场。

    In addition to discounts , they offer free travel to the airport .

  7. 这样品可以免费送我吗?

    Could I have this sample free of charge ?

  8. 你以为牙医为什么老免费送我东西

    Why do you think the dentist gives me all that free stuff ?

  9. 他们免费送我一本书。

    They sent me a book for nothing .

  10. 可以免费送衣到您家。

    The delivery is free of charge .

  11. 出租车司机的心情好极了,竟然免费送了回家的乘客一程。

    Taxi-drivers unbent so far as to take people part of the way home free .

  12. 迈克:也许如果你买了两包,他会免费送你一个。

    Mike : Maybe if you buy two packets he 'll give you one for free .

  13. 这样品可以免费送我吗?b:请随意拿取吧。

    Could I have this sample free of charge ? B : please take whatever you like .

  14. 二十分钟后她回来了,两眼通红,换取人们的同情和免费送上的蛋糕。

    Twenty minutes later she 's back , brimming with sleb antics , for sympathy and cake .

  15. 那种没得减价,但是你买六支牙刷可以免费送一支牙膏。

    That one has no reduction , but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes .

  16. 我是说在下一单中免费送你一些红绳,而不是免运费。

    I mean we will send u some red rope in the next order but not free of charge for freight .

  17. 如果你要加洗的话,每加洗一卷,我们会免费送你一卷胶卷。

    If you want doubles , we 'll give you a free roll of film for each roll you bring in .

  18. 麦克:不,是喝冰酸梅汤,那的座位很舒服,还免费送2个热狗,

    Mike : Well , no. To the Icecapades . We have got very good seats , and two free hot dogs .

  19. 最近,在德克萨斯州奥斯丁当地一家汉堡店里,霍普要了一块曲奇,店家还免费送了一块。

    Recently , at his local burger joint in Austin , Texas , Hopes ordered a cookie and was given an extra for free .

  20. 凡在国瑞艺术中心及联盟画廊购买书画作品,我们均提供免费送画到家的便捷服务。

    For calligraphic and painting works purchased from Great Art Center or any of our affiliated galleries , we provide drop-in delivery services at our own expenses .

  21. 饭后点心是一颗漂亮的桃子,是那位市场妇女免费送我的:桃子晒了罗马的阳光,余温犹存。

    For dessert - a lovely peach , which the woman at the market had given to me for free and which was still warm from the Roman sunlight .

  22. 与此同时,我们也看到全世界人民团结一致的精神。巴黎市民敞开家门接纳每一位受困的人,出租车司机免费送人们去到安全的地方,人们排起长队献血救助伤者。

    And at the same time we saw the world come together in solidarity.Parisians opening their doors to anyone trapped in the street , taxi drivers turning off their meters to get people home safety ,

  23. 但是近年来,农产品价格波动频繁、波动幅度大,蒜、豆、姜等农副产品接力涨价,到后来的萝卜白菜免费送现象使我们不得不再次将目光转向国内蔬菜行业。

    But in recent years , the volatility of agricultural prices frequently , large fluctuations , garlic , beans , ginger and other agricultural products Relay prices free phenomenon that we had once again turned to the domestic vegetable industry to later turnip cabbage .

  24. 当我们买不起你的圣诞礼物时还把免费食物送回去

    free food when we can 't even afford to buy you a Christmas gift .

  25. 量大优惠,为您提供及时、优良服务,免费取送。

    Large quantity discount , to provide you with timely , quality service , free of charge delivery .

  26. 凡一次购买10盒安利贺年美式曲奇,即可免费多送一盒!

    For every purchase of10 boxes of Protein Cookie , you are entitled to one extra box of Protein Cookie FREE !

  27. 一为名叫罗斯蒙德的棚户居民说,免费发送的食送并不是总能到达最需要的人的手中。

    Camp resident Rosemonde Desmesier says free food deliveries do not always reach those who need them most .