
  1. 有不少免费网站,如Mint.com、Quicken.com和Wesave.com,这些网站可以帮助你甄别开支。

    There are several free Web sites , such as Mint.com , Ouicken.com and Wesave.com , that can help you sort out your spending .

  2. 在去年的情况下,我们给学生提供一些,能用来写程序跟雅虎财经的免费网站交互的代码,即finance。yahoo。com,一个免费的网站。

    In the case of last year we did hand students some code with which they could write programs that talked to Yahoo Finance , finance . yahoo . com , free website .

  3. 与wink以及大多数基本级搜索服务一样(有些也提供收费的高级服务,如zoominfo),spock也是一家免费网站,鼓励用户注册并创建自己的个人资料。

    Like wink and most other base-level services ( some such as zoominfo also offer paid-for premium services ) , Spock is a free site that encourages users to sign up and create their own profile .

  4. 它提供的是一个简单的免费网站界面,为用户提供2gb的互联网存储空间,有限但令人印象深刻的编辑功能和基本的图片共享。

    What it does provide is a simple interface to a free website that provides users with 2GB of online storage space , limited but impressive image editing , and basic photo sharing .

  5. Myfamily是一个免费网站,受到邀请的家庭成员可以上传照片、视频、消息、菜谱、家谱以及其它资料,只需简单的几个步骤即可。

    Myfamily is a free site that serves as a place where invited members can upload photos , videos , news , recipes , family-tree entries and other data in a few steps .

  6. 很免费网站申请简朴,只要在标题标签中加点东西。

    It is easy , just add something between TITLE tags .

  7. 联盟单位将获赠一个无限页数之永久免费网站。

    Get an unlimited DIY web page free for life !

  8. 他不担心来自免费网站的挑战。

    He is undaunted by the challenge from free sites .

  9. 问题10关于免费网站,女士的看法是?

    Question 10 . What does the woman say about free websites ?

  10. 让人们增添了你的免费网站连接名录。

    Allow people to add their link to your free web site directory .

  11. 首先从免费网站开始;

    Start with a free site first ;

  12. 3.尝试免费网站

    Step 3 Try a free site

  13. 实际上,他认为这些免费网站反而会有所帮助,因为它们为用户提供了尝试这类服务的途径。

    In fact , he says they help by offering a way for users to try out such services .

  14. 这个项目去年夏天刚开始启动,当时布劳德只是想做一个免费网站,帮助人们对不公平的停车罚单进行上诉。

    Browder first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal unfair parking tickets .

  15. 鲍尔弗表示:过去几年中互联网和免费网站带来了许多挑战。

    Ms Balfour says : There have been a lot of challenges over the years from the internet and free sites .

  16. 不过,现在终于出现了一个免费网站,由全职编辑负责管理,内容由在校大学生提供,真实反映了当下的大学生活。

    But there 's a new , free Web site that , while overseen by paid editors , is built on lively content submitted by current students at the colleges .

  17. 有些免费网站可以让你在一个地方查你所有的账号,并提供预算工具帮你确定最简单的削减开支的方法。

    There are free site that lets you to view all of your accounts in one place and provides budgeting tools that help determine where it would be easiest to cut spending .

  18. 这是个免费网站,有广告赞助为支撑,拥有全职的编辑队伍,是去年九月份投入使用的,是由一个新成立的公司创建的,该公司由一位26岁的成立者领导。

    The free site , supported by ads , has a team of full-time editors . The site was launched to the public last September by a start-up company led by its twenty-six year old founder .

  19. LinkedIn是用于职业交流的免费社交网站。

    LinkedIn is a free networking site devoted to career networking .

  20. 文章对美国图书馆协会下属机构MARS评出的美国2003年最佳免费参考网站进行了评介并介绍了MARS的网站评选标准。

    This paper evaluates the best free reference websites of 2003 selected by MARS of ALA and introduces MARS ' criteria of selecting them .

  21. YouTube的免费视频网站已成长为全球最大的流媒体音乐平台,吸引的听众人数超过了Spotify和AppleMusic之和。

    YouTube 's free video site has grown into the world 's biggest streaming music platform , attracting more listeners than Spotify and Apple Music combined .

  22. 首先,我是找了下周围的免费教学网站,我看到有一个“CG练习模型下载”。

    First I was snooping around on the Freedom Of Teach website and I saw there was a " CG Practice Model Download " .

  23. 虽然只有一部分出版社选择在自己的网页上显示社会共享数据,但通过一个简单的API调用,任何人都可以免费获得网站任何页面的共享数据。

    While only some publishers choose to display the social share data on their web pages , the data is available for any page on the web to anyone for free through a simple API call .

  24. 例如,Bull免费软件网站有一个备选服务器,除其他功能外,它还可以由inetd有效运行。

    The Bull Freeware site , for example , has an alternative server that , among other features , can be effectively run by inetd .

  25. 耶鲁还通过免费的网站把我的课开放给大众:2002年放到了AllLearn上,2008年和2011年放到了OpenYale上,目前则在Coursera上。

    Yale made my course available to the broader public on free online sites : AllLearn in 2002 , Open Yale in 2008 and 2011 , and now on Coursera .

  26. 你可以免费获取网站上所有的信息。

    All the information will be free and available to everyone .

  27. 同时,一些免费的网站托管是免费提供一个有限的时间。

    I didn 't have a whole lot of time during free period .

  28. 大多数免费字典网站同其印刷版一样,包含的同样都是各种定义,而缺乏例句。

    Most free dictionary sites contain the same crammed definitions and lack of example sentences as their print cousins .

  29. 顿还在积极的开拓音乐事业,她将于本月底或下月初在免费下载网站上发布一些新歌。

    In the meantime , Meester continues pursuing her music career with plans to release some new tunes by the end of this month or next via free digital downloads .

  30. 巴洛尔表示,它们当时应该聚焦于自己一直以来的长处发现和推举新人而不是试图对抗新格式与免费下载网站。

    Instead of trying to fight the new format and free download sites , they should have focused on their strength , which has always been finding and promoting new talent , says Prof Valor .