
miǎn fèi shì yònɡ
  • free trial;appro
  1. 有时间限制的免费试用&提供给用户一个X天的免费试用期,在试用期结束之后开始收费。

    Time Based Free Trial – Give a free trial for X days and start charging once the trial ends .

  2. 新的Fitness+订阅者将享受1个月的免费试用,购买新的AppleWatch则享受3个月免费使用。

    New Fitness + subscribers will receive a one-month free trial and 3 months free with the purchase of a new Apple Watch .

  3. 试用Capacityon-demand允许免费试用未启用的处理器或RAM。

    Trial Capacity on-demand allows you to evaluate the use of inactive processes or RAM at no charge .

  4. AptanaCloud已经提供了免费试用版。

    A free trial of Aptana Cloud is available .

  5. 广告我下载了一套免费试用的AdobePremierePro,售价为800美元,它针对的是专业人士。

    I downloaded a free trial version of Adobe Premiere Pro , an $ 800 product intended for professionals .

  6. 此前,Rhapsody也曾尝试过这种策略,向用户提供两周以及60天的免费试用期。

    Rhapsody has tried the tactic before , offering two-week and 60-day free trials .

  7. 它的价格高达每台电脑每年80美元,不过每台Mac电脑能有两周的免费试用期。

    Access costs a hefty $ 80 per computer per year , though there 's a two-week free trial for every Mac you use .

  8. 您可以从我们的网站的LINGO的免费试用版。

    You can download a free trial version of LINGO from our website .

  9. 新款三星手机和平板将有三个月的Play音乐免费试用期,并获得YouTubeRed的免广告服务。

    New Samsung phones and tablets will come with a free three-month trial of Play Music , up from the usual 30-day trial , and access to YouTube Red for commercial-free videos .

  10. FlexBuilder是个商业产品,但它有很长的免费试用阶段,能让你有足够时间想清楚是不是值得掏这个钱。

    Flex Builder is a commercial product , but it has a long free trial period that will give you enough time to figure out if it 's worth your money .

  11. ForresterResearch公司针对Prime用户的一项调查显示,约有三分之一的受访者表示,他们正在利用Prime服务的30天的免费试用期。

    According to a Forrester Research survey of Prime users , about one-third of respondents reported they were currently using Prime via 30-day free trials . The findings open the door to criticism that the numbers are inflated .

  12. Intel是这个变换方法的先驱,先提供24小时的免费试用,之后的就需要去APPUP商店里去购买。

    Intel is pioneering an alternative approach , which is to give customers a24-hour free trial of any app they buy from its AppUp store .

  13. 斯威夫特公开抱怨称,苹果公司(Apple)不会在其新流媒体音乐服务为期三个月的试用期间支付版税。之后还不到24小时,苹果就改弦更张,确认公司将在免费试用期间全额支付音乐版税。

    Less than 24 hours after Ms. Swift complained publicly that Apple was not planning to pay royalties during a three-month trial period of its new streaming music service , the company changed course , and confirmed that it will pay its full royalty rates for music during the free trial .

  14. 科技公司Atlassian明白,要想吸引小公司使用它的新款软件,必须提供比免费试用更有意思的东西。

    To attract small businesses to its new software , tech company atlassian knew it had to offer something more intriguing than a free trial .

  15. 此外,这款应用目前还没有推出Android版本,而且它的设计依然以单词为中心,所以你可能会青睐用起来更加轻松,采用图像风格的GrammarUp。它可以在iOS和Android设备上免费试用,花费5美元可以进行所有的测试。

    Also , this app isn 't available for Android and is word-centric in design , so you may prefer the more relaxed and graphical style of Grammar Up , free as a sampler on iOS and Android , and $ 5 for all the tests .

  16. 我也不知道,但我清楚一件事:在我用了好几年、发送出数万条信息之后,WhatsApp上周告诉我,免费试用即将到期,我需要缴费1美元才能获得一年的服务。

    I have no idea , but I do know this : last week , after a years of constant usage and tens of thousands of messages , WhatsApp told me my free trial period was coming to an end , and I needed to cough up a dollar for another year of service .

  17. 要下载免费试用版本,请查阅参考资源部分。

    To download the trial version , see the Resources section .

  18. 戴维:我有三十天的免费试用期。

    David : I 've got it on thirty days'free trial .

  19. 无限经验尝试飞溅专业的免费试用。

    For unlimited experience try free trial of Splash PRO .

  20. 长期免费试用期,以确保您的业务。

    Long-term free evaluation period to make sure you are in business .

  21. 我们正在这个创新的应用可以作为一个60天的免费试用版。

    We 're making this innovative application available as a60-day free beta .

  22. 需要有说服力?下载免费试用照片编辑软件,现在,看看吧。

    Download your free trial photo editing software now and see for yourself .

  23. 寄一种可免费试用两周的器材或设备。

    To send a piece of equipment for two week ' free trial .

  24. 如果你因为付费而犹豫,那也可以免费试用30天。

    If the price deters you , there 's a 30-day free trial .

  25. 您可以下载免费试用版本。

    You can download a free trial version .

  26. 它是无限次免费试用版。

    It is the unlimited free trial version .

  27. 网译平台新用户可以预先免费试用。

    The new users to OTP are permitted to have a tryout free of charge .

  28. 免费试用版永不过期。

    Free Trial version that never expires .

  29. 您的免费试用已过期。

    Your free trial has expired .

  30. 可以获得它的一个免费试用版。

    A free trial is available .