
  • 网络emotional state;mood state;POMS
  1. 相关统计分析表明脑电节律和情绪状态能够显著影响LZC和ApEn(p0.05)。

    The statistical analysis result showed that EEG rhythm and emotional state can significantly affect the LZC and ApEn ( p0.05 ) .

  2. 在这款应用面世之际,BeyondVerbal和其他一些开发商――很多都扎堆特拉维夫――正在推出一些越来越尖端、据它们说可以通过分析语音确定一个人情绪状态的硬件和软件。

    But the app is coming out as the company and other developers -- many clustered in Tel Aviv -- push increasingly sophisticated hardware and software they say can determine a person 's emotional state through analysis of his or her voice .

  3. “高兴未满”指的不是很高兴的一种欠佳的情绪状态,是介于高兴和不高兴之间的情绪状态。

    Underhappy refers to a mood that is not as happy as one ought or would like to be .

  4. 采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)进行母亲情绪状态评估。

    Self-Rating Depression Scale ( SDS ) and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale ( SAS ) were adopted for mothers ' emotion assessment .

  5. 通过对情感能量使人产生情感状态变化的分析,用FCM来描述情绪状态刺激转移过程,并建立起相应的模型,给出算法。

    Through the analysis of emotional impact based on Psychology , FCM is used to describe the emotional transferring stimulated process , and corresponding algorithm are establish .

  6. 这样的题材很难拍,而且据墨菲说,他找来罗伯茨想激发出她演《永不妥协》时那种为权利而战的情绪状态。墨菲是2010年罗伯茨主演的《美食、祈祷和恋爱》(EatPrayLove)一片的导演。

    The material is difficult and , according to Murphy , who also directed her in 2010 's Eat Pray Love , calls upon Roberts to evoke the same sort of ' emotional advocacy ' she displayed in Erin Brockovich .

  7. 目的研究中等强度噪声条件下2h暴露期间情绪状态的改变及其与受试者噪声敏感度和艾森克人格个性的相关关系。

    Objective To investigate the change of profiles of mood states ( POMS ) under moderate noise for 2 h and the relationship between noise sensitivity and change of POMS .

  8. 采用情绪状态量表(POMS),对273名高中生的情绪状态进行了问卷调查。

    The mood states of 273 high school students were measured by questionnaires of the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) .

  9. 治疗组和健康对照组患者分别在治疗前后,应用POMS量表和SF-36健康状态问卷,对患者的情绪状态和生活质量进行评价。

    POMS scale and SF-36 health constitution questionnaire were applied to evaluate the emotion and life quality of both groups before and after the treatment .

  10. 睡眠状况由睡眠潜伏期和每晚睡眠的时间来表示,情绪状态用POMS量表评定。

    Sleep status was represented using sleep latency and sleep duration per night . Mood status was measured with the Profile of Mood Status ( POMS ) .

  11. 在航行前及航行的中期、后期对抽样的40名船员应用SCL-90量表进行情绪状态调查,并测量其外周血肾上腺皮质激素的含量。

    The contents of the seamen ′ s adrenal cortical hormone in peripheral blood were measured and their emotional state investigated with symptom checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ) before , in the middle and at late period voyage .

  12. 大量研究表明,人的学习与记忆受到当时情绪状态的影响,这种影响突出地表现在两种效应上,即情绪依赖效应(MDM效应)和情绪一致效应(MCM效应)。

    A variety of studies show that the process of studying and memorizing is influenced by the present emotion . Two memory effects relevant to the influence are called mood dependent memory ( MDM effect ) and mood congruent memory ( MCM effect ) .

  13. Spearman相关性检验提示HADS抑郁评分与PDQ39中情绪状态、羞耻感及总评分变化正相关(r分别为0.35、0.37、0.34,均P<0.05),与HY分期、UPDRSⅢ不相关。

    The score of HADS-Depression was correlated with emotional state , stigma and total score of PDQ-39 by test of Spearman ( r was 0.35 , 0.37 and 0.34 respectively , all P < 0.05 ), and it was not related with Hoehn & Yahr scale and UPDRS ⅲ .

  14. 结论:我国小学生情绪状态总体发展良好。

    Conclusion : The emotion state of participants was quite good .

  15. 生理及情绪状态因素差异不具显著性。

    But no difference for the physiological and mood state factors .

  16. 急性轻、中度缺氧暴露对人情绪状态的影响

    Effects of mild and moderate acute hypoxia on human mood states

  17. 运动是在角色的某种情绪状态下的反应。

    Movement is a symptom of the character 's emotional state .

  18. 网络成瘾者不同情绪状态下的认知加工特征

    The Cognitive Characteristics of Pathological Internet Users in Different Emotional Modes

  19. 论排球比赛中运动员情绪状态诊断及调控

    The Diagnosis and Modulation of Athlete Emotion State in Volleyball Match

  20. 自尊对大学生失败后情绪状态的影响

    The Effect of Self-Esteem on Emotional States After Failure of Undergraduates

  21. 他们改变了态度,情绪状态和疼痛感。

    They change attitude , emotional state , and pain perception .

  22. 能够影响消费者的其中一个因素是他们的情绪状态。

    One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state .

  23. 恰当的体育练习有助于改善情绪状态。

    Proper physical exercise is conducive to the improvement of mood state .

  24. 冠心病患者情绪状态的调查分析

    Investigation on Mental Status in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

  25. 抑郁状态、反应方式和情绪状态都为组间因素。

    Depressive state , response style and emotional state are between-subject factors .

  26. 需要员工为他人营造某种情绪状态

    • require the worker to produce an emotional state in another person

  27. 综合性医院病人情绪状态及相关因素分析

    Mood and its related factors among inpatients in general hospitals

  28. 晚期肿瘤患者情绪状态与生命质量的研究

    Research on Emotional State and Living Quality in Patients with Advanced Cancers

  29. 自我概念、情绪状态对自传体记忆概括化影响的研究

    Research for the Impact of Autobiographical Memory under Self-concept and Emotional State

  30. 焦虑以焦虑、悲观和不安为特征的情绪状态。

    An emotional state characterized by anxiety , depression , and restlessness .