- Emotional instability;unstable sentiments

If sleep deprivation continues , hallucinations and mood swings may develop .
My doctor had warned me about mood swings , hot flashes , and sporadic periods .
Cats are known to be self-confident and independent , but also as being unpredictable and arrogant .
He said his wife was unstable , physically abusive and at one point hit the principal in his children 's school .
The resent research showed that the development of cyclomastopathy was related with emotional instability , family life events , sexual life satisfaction and eating habit .
Although that extreme may be the case for some kids and this is a time of emotional ups and downs , that stereotype certainly is not representative of most teens .
Its characteristic is social interaction and communication skills of obvious harm , including withdrawn character and emotional instability , behavior , interests , or activity mode inflexible and other symptoms .
Insomnia people tend to be introverted , emotional instability and outgoing-unbalanced population were higher than normal people , prompt emotionally unstable tension , irritability , anxiety , personality characteristics induce or worsen insomnia .
An " apparently unbalanced " woman approached Pope Benedict XVI and caused him to fall Thursday as he entered St Peter 's Basilica to celebrate Christmas Eve mass , the Vatican spokesman said .
The results indicate that the main psychological characteristics of people with high shame-consciousness are as follows : low favor to sports belief and attitudes , strong tendency towards anxiety , unstable emotion and weak will ;
When your wife is struggling , the best thing to do is to try to console her with a hug or other expression of love , or by letting her talk , but be careful not to let your wife draw you in to her negative emotions .
Taking emotionally unstable men as an example , they will feel " accepted " when they get other people 's likes or someone leaves his words below their post , but if what they put on the network site does not get others ' attention , they may feel " isolated . "
Adding to the uncertain mood were fresh concerns about the eurozone periphery following another downgrade to Greece 's sovereign debt rating .
I 'm just one big , emotional wreck .
No , no , I 'm just a little upset .