
  • 网络emotional stress;emotional pressure
  1. 情绪压力可能会导致血压升高。

    Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure .

  2. 另外,情绪压力与氧化应激之间也有一定的关联。因此,GHOSTS一族将他们头上早生的白发归结为压力导致是有一定道理的。

    There is also an association between emotional stress and oxidative stress , which means that the GHOSTS blaming their grey hairs on stress might have a point .

  3. Q6:人们都觉得韩国的娱乐圈比起其他国家来有更多的情绪压力。

    Q6 : Many people feel that Korean entertainment industry has more Emotional stress than others country .

  4. 宽容与忍让这种心态也可以很好地缓解或减少情绪压力。

    Tolerance performs the basic function of resolving or reducing emotional tension .

  5. 这可以因情绪压力的生活与性失语。

    This can be due to the emotional stress of living with aphasia .

  6. 运动员的情绪压力调节方法初探

    Tentatively Analyse the Mood Pressure Adjustment of Athletes

  7. 危难可以包括为倦怠,抑郁,财务问题,家庭问题或其他情绪压力等因素。

    Distress can include such factors as burnout , depression , financial issues , family concerns or other emotional stress .

  8. 环境刺激包括过敏原、冷热空气、烟草烟雾、运动甚至是情绪压力。

    These environmental stimulants can be allergen , hot and cold air , tobacco smoke , exercise and exertion , or even emotional stress .

  9. 睡眠不仅仅有助于身体自我修复和儿童的成长发育,还可以保护女性的卵巢免受情绪压力影响。

    Sleep doesn 't just help the body rejuvenate and promote growth in kids ; it also protects a woman 's eggs from stress .

  10. 运动员赛前情绪压力是影响运动员比赛水平正常发挥的一个重要心理因素。

    The player 's pre-competitive emotional pressures play an important role in the process of his mentality , which affects the full play of his performance .

  11. 你的眼睛过度使用(如在靠近服务台的工作)或情绪压力会损害心脏和小肠经络,它可以创造情绪失衡。

    Excess use of your eyes ( as in close desk work ) or emotional stress can damage the small intestine and heart meridians , which can create emotional imbalances .

  12. 研究人员说,但男性的情绪压力显著高于女性,可能是由于长期眩晕对男性精神状况的影响更大,并且更容易造成焦虑和抑郁。

    But emotional distress was significantly higher in the men , possibly because dizziness over a long period is more disabling in men and a greater risk factor for anxiety and depression , researchers said .

  13. 高级作家卡斯腾?霍什教授说:“心理遗憾导致的情绪压力会引发荷尔蒙和免疫系统紊乱,让人更容易出现临床健康问题,像感冒或者其他潜在的长期健康隐患。”

    Senior author Professor Carsten Wrosch , said : " The emotional distress of regrets can trigger biological disregulation of the hormone and immune systems that makes people more vulnerable to develop clinical health problems - whether a cold or other potentially longer-term health problems . "

  14. 下次你怒气冲天的时候,问问自己:这种即将爆发的脾气能带来什么,是糟糕的情绪和压力,还是下一代iPhone?

    Next time you get hot under the collar , ask yourself : what will this brewing temper tantrum produce – ill-feeling and stress , or the next iPhone ?

  15. 欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(MarioDraghi)在法兰克福(Frankfurt)表示,各国央行和欧元区分别降息表明增长乏力,“不确定性上升,对人们的信心和情绪形成压力”。

    In Frankfurt , Mario Draghi , president of the ECB , said the rate cuts were taken independently by central banks and those in the eurozone reflected weak growth , " with heightened uncertainty weighing on confidence and sentiment . "

  16. 闭上眼睛,听一听慢节奏的音乐,让你的思维离开情绪的压力。

    Close your eyes and listen to slow music to take your mind off of emotional pressure .

  17. 作者使用咀嚼肌紧张度、复合变量、情绪和压力对下颌痛进行了线性回归分析。

    The authors used masticatory muscle tension , the composite variable , mood and stress to predict jaw pain using linear regression .

  18. 我想要让你知道,有坏情绪、压力感和小脾气的你与快乐时的你一样可爱。

    I want you to know that your grumpy , stressed-out , short self is just as awesome as your cheerful self .

  19. 分析师指出这种情况要持续一段时间,因为上个月的灾难继续对消费者的情绪形成压力。

    Analysts say the situation could remain weak for some time as the effects of last month 's disaster continue to weigh on consumer sentiment .

  20. 人们向我诉说自己的工作、人际关系、家庭和考试等等,埋怨处理情况、情绪和压力有多难。

    People tell me about their work , relationship , family , exams , etc. , and how difficult it is to handle situations , emotions , and pressures .

  21. 科学家们让夫妻进入实验室,在他们开始“别扭”对话时观察他们的压力水平。研究发现,面对压力时,用大笑等积极情绪缓解压力的夫妻在一起的时间往往更久。

    Scientists get couples into the lab and looking at their stress levels while they have " difficult " conversations , finding that couples that deal with stress with positive emotions like laughter become less stressed , and tend to stay together for longer .

  22. 同时,运动所释放的激素能改善情绪、缓解压力,这些也对学习有帮助。

    And exercise releases hormones that can improve mood and relieve stress , which can also help learning .

  23. 不管是你日常生活中大大小小的事情,还是长期规划,都会受你另一半的影响,包括ta的喜好、憎恶、习惯、计划、健康状况、个性、情绪、工作压力、经济保障、家庭以及处境。

    Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other 's likes , dislikes , habits , schedule , health , personality , moods , job stresses , financial security , family , and situation .

  24. 环境、情绪、学习压力等因素与SSRS总分相关显著(P<0.01)。

    There was significant correlation between environment , emotion and school work and scales of SSRS ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  25. Sally贪吃却一个月都不运动,她的双胞胎姐姐Julie,一个月以来也处于情绪和精神压力中。将她们的健康状况作比较。

    Compare the level of health of Sally who eats badly and doesn 't exercise for a month with her twin sister Julie who is under immense emotional and psychological stress for the same amount of time .

  26. 哭泣可以排出不好的情绪并缓解压力。

    It flushes out bad feelings and eases tension .

  27. 他是否曾经有意施加情绪上的压力

    Did he ever intentionally inflict emotional distress ?

  28. 稳定情绪,减轻压力,帮助入睡,温馨浪漫。

    Alleviate pressure . assist sleeping , romantic .

  29. 这常常引发她们情绪上的压力和困窘。

    This causes emotional distress and embarrassment .

  30. 它让您沉浸在气氛是舒适和充满情绪化的压力。

    It immerses you in the atmosphere which is comfortable and full of emotional strain .