
  • 网络Intelligence warfare;intelligence fight
  1. 情报战的胜负优劣,直接影响了正面战场的胜败和宋夏关系的发展态势。

    The changes of victory or defeat of intelligence fight direcdy influenced the outcome of frontal battlefield , influenced the developing tendency of song and Xia dynasty 's relationship .

  2. CNN的吉姆·比特曼报道雷诺间谍案继续发酵,这场经济情报战近况如何?

    CNN 's Jim Bittermann reports on an alleged " spy " scandal at Renault .

  3. 美军情报战战法分析

    Analysis of Methods of USF Information Warfare

  4. 在英国对德国的情报战中,这三次战役有极其重要的地位。

    In the intelligence war imposed by Britain on Germany , these three battles held very important positions .

  5. 我们正在调查之中,而雷诺是经济情报战的受害者。

    We are in the middle of an inquiry . Renault has been the victim of a war of economic intelligence .

  6. 市场竞争日趋激烈,企业情报战也愈演愈烈,网络已经成为主战场。

    With the increasingly fierce market competition , competitive intelligence war between corporations heats up , and the network has become the main battlefield .

  7. 文章强调,现代高技术背景下的情报战,占领“太空、信息、情报”三大制高点刻不容缓。

    The paper emphasizes that the information warfare under the background of Hitech must seize three great command points of space , information and intelligence swiftly .

  8. 第二章主要考察英国对德国实施情报战的过程、措施及与盟国的合作。

    The second chapter mainly investigates the process and measures of the intelligence war imposed by Britain on Germany and the cooperation between the Allies and Britain .

  9. 第三章以不列颠战役、大西洋海战和西西里登陆为案例,具体考察英国对德国的情报战。

    The third chapter is to investigate the intelligence war imposed by Britain on Germany in detail , taking Battle Of Britain , Battle of the Atlantic and Sicily Landing for examples .

  10. 莫斯科正在将老式的谍报技术与发动虚假情报战的意愿结合起来,试图把水搅浑,破坏人们对自己国家机构和当局的信任。

    Moscow is combining old-fashioned tradecraft with a willingness to wage wars of disinformation , seeking to muddy the waters and undermine people 's faith in their own country 's institutions and authorities .

  11. 详述和归纳了美军情报战的主要战法,即航天/航空侦察、无人机侦察等手段抢占太空制高点,以及探测覆盖全空域的重要特点。

    Describe and conclude the main methods of USF information warfare , ie , seizing space commanding point with means of the space reconnaissance , air reconnaissance and robot aircraft reconnaissance , and the important features of detecting covered all zone .

  12. 情报在信息战中地位日趋重要,情报处理能力成为影响战争胜负的关键因素。

    Intelligence plays a more and more important role in Information War , while the ability of intelligence processing has become a key factor which directly affect the victory of a war .

  13. 战场网络情报侦察作为网络战的重要组成部分,成为新兴的研究领域。

    As an important part of network ware , the battlefield network intelligence reconnaissance becomes a new research field .