
  • 网络military strategy
  1. 雅典与斯巴达在伯罗奔尼撒战争中的军事谋略比较

    A Military Strategy Comparison between Athens and Sparta in the Peloponnesus War

  2. 试论军事谋略与现代篮球进攻战术

    On the Art of Military Strategy and the Technique of Attack in Basketball

  3. 《孙子兵法》是中国古代军事谋略思想的集大成者。

    Sun Tzu The Art of War best represents the ancient military strategy of China .

  4. 信息化战争中的东方军事谋略&论《孙子兵法》的谋略思想在信息化战争中的价值

    Oriental Military Strategy of the Information-Based Warfare & On the strategic values of Sun Tzu The Art of War in the information-based warfare

  5. 使命任务和专业特性要求工程兵基层指挥员兼备领导者的组织领导素质、指挥员的军事谋略素质和专家型的专业技术素质。

    Mission and professional characteristic requirement engineers grassroots commanders have both leaders organization and leadership qualities , commander of military counsel quality and professional technical quality .

  6. 蒋介石取得了1929年讨桂战争的胜利,从军事学的角度说,主要是蒋介石对这次战争的整个军事谋略的运用的成功。

    Militarily , Chiang Kai shek 's victory against the Gui Clique ( Guangxi military clique ) in 1929 depended mainly on his successful military strategy .

  7. 陈亮是我国历史上杰出的爱国主义思想家、文学家、教育家,又是著名的史学理论家和军事谋略家,是永康学派的创始人,南宋浙东学派主要领袖人物。

    Chen Liang , as an outstanding ideologist of patriotism , educator , notable theorist of history and strategist of military , is also the founder of Yong Kang school , and the chief man of Eastern Zhejiang practical school .

  8. 对先秦军事谋略思想的内容和特点进行研究,有助于加深我们对中国军事谋略文化的理解和认识,更有助于我们继承和弘扬民族优秀文化传统。

    To give a deep research to the contents and distinctive features of the former Qin 's military strategy , can help us deeper our comprehending and understanding to the culture of military strategy , and more , can help us inherit and develop our outstanding national cultural tradition .

  9. 所以,上等的军事行动是用谋略挫败敌方的战略意图或战争行为,其次就是用外交战胜敌人,再次是用武力击败敌军,最下之策是攻打敌人的城池。

    the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy 's forces ; the next in order is to attack the enemy 's army in the field ; and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities .