
jūn shì yuán zhù
  • military support;military aid
  1. 被罢免的乌克兰总统维克多·亚努科维奇表示,他不会要求俄罗斯以军事援助解决乌克兰国内危机。

    Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych says he will not ask Russia for military support to resolve domestic crisis .

  2. 他们一直把军事援助限于小型武器,反坦克武器,迫击炮以及弹药。

    They have so far restricted their military support to small arms , antitank weapons , mortar , and ammunition .

  3. 切斯勒先生说国外的军事援助拉长了战事。

    Mr Chesler said foreign military aid was prolonging the war

  4. 叙利亚反对派组织“叙利亚全国委员会”(syriannationalcouncil)表示,他们即将得出有必要争取外国军事援助的结论。

    The opposition Syrian national council said it was coming to the conclusion that foreign military help was needed .

  5. 北约(Nato)向波斯尼亚和科索沃提供了军事援助,使它们能够与塞尔维亚进行军事斗争。

    Nato provided military assistance to both Bosnia and Kosovo in their struggle with Serbia .

  6. 华盛顿无需排除一种有选择的军事援助计划。

    Washington need not rule out a selective military aid program .

  7. 在此之前,里根政府就曾经偷偷提供过一些非法军事援助

    The Reagan administration snuck in some illegal military assistance Before that

  8. 因此,它建议逐步地从军事援助转向经济援助。

    It therefore recommended a steady shift from military to economic assistance .

  9. 美国对南斯拉夫的军事援助政策,始自于杜鲁门政府时期。

    American military assistance policy toward Yugoslavia began from the Truman Administration .

  10. 孙中山谋求苏俄军事援助的尝试

    Sun Yet-sen 's attempt to seek Soviet Russia military help

  11. 美国也需要停止对巴基斯坦的一切军事援助。

    US should also suspend all military aid to Pakistan .

  12. 巴方正利用美方对中国的焦虑,使美国不敢中断军事援助。

    Islamabad is using anxiety about China to keep US military aid flowing .

  13. 美国已宣布停止对这个国家的军事援助。

    The US has announced a cutoff of military aid to the country .

  14. 我认为,我们应该把非军事援助款额增加两倍,而且,我们应该把这项承诺持续10年。

    We should sustain that commitment for a10-year period .

  15. 不大可能会获得数量可观的军事援助。

    There was little prospect of significant military aid .

  16. 美国军事援助的减少。

    The curtailment of military aid from the us .

  17. 美国官员说,这些援助并不包括军事援助。

    U.S. officials say the aid package does not include any military assistance .

  18. 部分的关系将会涉及到军事援助。

    Part of that relationship involves military aid .

  19. 停火及停止外来军事援助

    Cease-fire and cessation of outside military assistance

  20. 麦凯恩直言支持向叙利亚反对派提供军事援助。

    McCain has been an outspoken proponent of providing military aid to Syria 's opposition .

  21. 现在,美国正向尼日利亚提供广泛的情报和军事援助。

    Now , leaving the U.S. to offer widespread intelligence and military assistance to Nigeria .

  22. 1954-1965年美国对巴基斯坦的军事援助及其影响

    US Military Aids to Pakistan : 1954-1965

  23. 军事援助已经不时兴了。

    Military assistance was out of vogue .

  24. 目前,美国每年给巴基斯坦5亿美元的非军事援助。

    Currently the United States gives Pakistan $ 500 million in non-military aid per year .

  25. 长期以来开罗一直得到来自华盛顿的经济和政治支持,包括大量军事援助。

    Cairo has long received economic and political backing from Washington , including significant amounts of military aid .

  26. 美国提供军事援助是有利害关系在里面的,因为它为美国工人提供了工作。

    The United States had an interest in giving military aid because it provided jobs for American workers .

  27. 按照军事援助的转让

    Transfers under military grants

  28. 由于泰国军方发动政变,五角大楼正在考虑其提供给泰国的军事援助。

    The Pentagon is considering the military assistance that provides Tailand , led by a coup of Thai military .

  29. 但是,美国回应俄罗斯的提议称,美国将对乌克兰军事援助增加一倍。

    However , the US has reacted to Russia 's proposal , announcing it will double military assistance to Ukraine .

  30. 美国对于那些不愿签署双边豁免协议的国家,威胁终止经济援助和军事援助。

    The US has threatened to terminate economic aid and withdraw military assistance with countries that do not accede to bias .