
  1. 他进了抗日军政大学。

    He enrolled in an anti-Japanese training school .

  2. 我跟军事科学院、军政大学的同志谈过,请他们主持把教材编出来。

    I have talked with comrades from the Academy of Military Sciences and the Military and Political College , asking them to take charge of compiling materials .

  3. 对知识分子,要办各种训练班,办军政大学、革命大学,要使用他们,同时对他们进行教育和改造。

    We should run training courses of various kinds , military and political colleges and revolutionary institutes for the intellectuals and educate and remould them while availing ourselves of their services .

  4. 现在军政大学训练的基本上是军师干部,团的干部只占百分之二十。

    At present , those receiving training in the Military and Political College are mainly cadres at army and divisional levels , while cadres at regimental level account for only 20 per cent .