
  • 网络folk song of northern shaanxi;Folk Song;northern shaanxi folk songs
  1. 陕北民歌一歌多词及其演变规律

    One Tune With Various Lyrics in Folk Song of Northern Shaanxi and Its Developing Pattarn

  2. 陕北民歌根植于民间、来源于民间,具有生动的艺术表现形式和独特的审美文化魅力。

    The folk song of northern Shaanxi province roots in and originates from the people . It has the vivid art performance and unique charm of the local culture .

  3. 陕北民歌歌词中的音乐形象

    The Music Images in the Words of Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi

  4. 陕北民歌依附于陕北方言,陕北方言于陕北民歌有着重要的作用。

    Northern Shaanxi dialect plays an important role in Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs .

  5. 陕北民歌中的民俗文化

    Customs and culture embodied in Northern Shaanxi folk songs

  6. 论中国电影对陕北民歌的两次演绎和传播现象

    On the twice focus and spread of Northern Shaanxi folk songs in Chinese films

  7. 黄土高原独特的地理、历史、政治、经济背景造就了符合这种文化特质的陕北民歌。

    Unique geography , history , politics and economic background created them with these cultural characteristics .

  8. 陕北民歌高亢、旷达、苦涩、悲凉、其音乐形象多是生活经验的再现;

    Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi are typical of its loudness and sonorousness , bitterness and sadness .

  9. 率直:直抒胸臆含蓄:意蕴无穷&陕北民歌信天游艺术表现浅析

    Frank and implicit & The art manifestation form of folk songs " Xin Tian You " in north Shanxi province

  10. 陕北民歌是流行于陕西省北部黄土高原的民间歌曲的统称。

    The northern Shaanxi folk songs are popular in the northern part of the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi Province folk songs collectively .

  11. 绥德民歌是陕北民歌的重要组成部分,在陕北民歌中具有一定代表性。

    Suide folk music is an important part of the folk songs of northern Shaanxi . It has certain representativeness in folk songs of northern Shaanxi .

  12. 本论文通过查阅大量资料、收集民歌素材,在众多学者研究的基础上,以独特的审美视角对陕北民歌进行探讨。

    After reviewing a large amount literature and collecting the folk songs , this thesis discusses the folk song of northern Shaanxi province in a unique aesthetic perspective .

  13. 陕北民歌是特色性与多元性结合的优秀民间文化,是汉民族民歌代表之一。

    The folk song in northern Shaanxi is one of the folk songs of the Han nationality , which is ideal combination of the local characteristics and pluralities .

  14. 贫瘠的黄土高原,恶劣的自然环境,动荡不安的生活现实,人种血缘的融合重组,造就了神奇的陕北民歌。

    The Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs attribute its birth to the barren yellow plateau , adverse environmental circumstances , unstable lives , and the mergence of ethnic groups .

  15. 对陕北民歌的美学探讨有助于我们了解陕北地域文化,发扬原生态审美文化。

    The aesthetic investigation of the folk song of northern Shaanxi province is beneficial to the understanding of the regional culture in that area and also promotes the primitive aesthetics .

  16. 认知语言学的发展给翻译理论注入了新鲜的血液,从认知的角度来探讨陕北民歌的对等翻译将会更科学。

    The development of cognitive linguistics injects new blood for translation theories , and the study of Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs from the perspective of cognitive equivalence will be more scientific .

  17. 在该部分中,本文从三个角度切入论题:首先对陕北民歌的历史渊源和思想内容、及其分类、特点作了详细的概述,进而谈到它的艺术风格。

    In the first , it provides a detailed exploration of the history , themes , classifications and features of the Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs , as well as its artistic style .

  18. 虽然为数较少的青年民歌手们既有着天生的好嗓音,也受过一些专业训练,除了能够演唱一些陕北民歌经典名曲之外,真正能走出创新和发展陕北民歌之路的少之又少。

    Although a smal part of young children have been born with good voice and also had some professional training , they only could sing some of classic songs of north Shanxi .

  19. 陕北民歌是中华民族民歌艺术的一支奇葩,是中华民族黄土地文化的地上的精神文物,更是我国民间文学宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Folk Songs is a wonderful Chinese folk art is the culture of the Chinese Yellow Earth , " the spirit of earth relics ," is our folk literature for a bright pearl .

  20. 同时,本论文首次将陕北民歌分区域进行深入研究,希望这种研究方法能对陕北民歌研究界有所启发。

    Meanwhile , this paper intensively studies Northern Shaanxi folk songs regionally for the first time . I hope this research method may give inspiration to the research circles of Northern Shaanxi folk songs .

  21. 陕北民歌是中华民族浩如烟海的民歌海洋中一支艺术奇葩,是中华民族黄土文化的重要载体,更是民间文化宝库中一颗绚烂的明珠。

    The folk song of northern Shaanxi province is one of the greatest Chinese artistic forms . It is a significant carrier of the loess culture . Moreover it is also a glowing pearl in folk culture .

  22. 研究陕北民歌对于我们了解、把握和传承、创造陕北独特的地域文化以及繁荣多元化的中华民族文化都具有非常独特、重要的价值和意义。

    North Shaanxi Folk Songs for us to understand , grasp and heritage , to create a unique regional culture in Northern and prosperity of a wide range of Chinese culture has a very unique and important value and significance .

  23. 陕北民歌的研究目前已形成一定规模,研究成果也比较多,但目前所见的论著大多是从文学、艺术、民俗学等角度分析研究的,从历史学角度剖析的尝试成果比较少。

    Northern Shanxi Folk Songs of the present has formed a certain scale , more research is also , but see the treatise from literature , art , folklore and other point of view . Historical analysis of the attempt to learn the outcome of the angle is relatively small .

  24. 首先,由于声乐部分所采用的曲目多是陕北的民歌小调。

    Firstly , from the aspect of vocality , folk songs of North Shaanxi are frequently applied .

  25. 然后他把这段词配上了陕北一个流行民歌的曲调。

    Then he set the words to the melody of a popular folk song of northern shannxi .

  26. 另外陕北方言词法运用的一些特点,让陕北民歌生动而充满情趣。

    In addition , some of the morphological characteristics in Northern Shaanxi dialect make Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs sound charming and lively .

  27. 由于陕北独特的地理区域和人文环境,经过多年的发展与演变,逐步形成了我国民间艺术的一朵奇葩&陕北民歌,她具有丰富的生活基础,抒情自然、旋律奔放等独特的艺术风格。

    Folk Songs is a wonderful work of folk art in China , due to unique geographic advantages and environment , after years of development and evolution of northern Shaanxi folk songs form the basis of abundant life , lively melodies , lyrical nature and other unique artistic style .