
  1. 陕西历史地震活动规律刍议

    A discussion about the earthquakes in history of Shaanxi Province

  2. 陕西历史水涝灾害发生规律研究

    On the Rule of Historical Flood Waterlog in Shaanxi

  3. 没错,这陕西历史博物馆是一个汇聚历史珍宝的地方。

    Exactly , the Shaanxi History Museum is a place of historical treasures .

  4. 传统文化与现代技术的结合&陕西历史博物馆室内设计

    Integration of traditional culture and modern technology interior design of Shanxi History Museum

  5. 对陕西历史地理的研究取得了丰硕的成果;

    Made fruitful achievement in the Shaanxi Historical Geography ;

  6. 基于历史发生学解读下的陕西历史文化资源创新开发研究

    Research on the innovation and development of historic and cultural resources in Shaanxi Province

  7. 陕西历史饥荒统计规律研究

    A View of the Regular Statistic Pattern of Famines in the History of Shaanxi

  8. 陕西历史博物馆工程施工

    Construction of the Shaanxi museum of history

  9. 说到这博物馆啊,我们今天就要去陕西历史博物馆参观参观。

    Since you talked about museum , today we are going to visit the Shaanxi History Museum .

  10. 陕西历史博物馆&陕西历史博物馆在1990年的中国是最高水平的博物馆建筑。

    Shaanxi History Museum-The construction of Shaanxi History Museum represents the highest level of museums in the1990s of China .

  11. 上述问题的澄清对于研究长城史学和陕西历史军事地理均具重要的现实意义。

    A proper explanation of the above questions is of a very important significance to studying Great Wall history and Shaanxi historical military geography .

  12. 陕西历史博物馆位于陕西省省会西安市,在中国古代历史中,有十三个王朝在此建都,留下了丰富的文化遗存。

    Shaanxi History Museum Is located In XI'an , the provincial capital of Shaanxi , renowned as capital of13 dynasties in Chinese history with rich cultural relics .

  13. 省妇联主席刘丽鸽在讲话中指出,陕西历史文化悠久,发展民间手工艺有得天独厚的优势。

    Provincial Women 's Federation Chairman Liu dove in his speech pointed out that the long-standing history and culture of Shaanxi Province to develop traditional handicraft has a unique advantage .

  14. 陕西历史博物馆藏东汉绿釉陶孔雀灯的修复古根汉姆博物馆、大都会博物馆和现代美术馆是第五大道上最引人注目的三大场所。

    Restoration of the Eastern Han period green glazed peacock lamp of the Shaanxi History Museum The Guggenheim , Metropolitan , and MoMA are the three most notable sited on Fifth Avenue .

  15. 三是在现代的城市发展区和文化区,有陕西历史博物馆、陕西省图书馆、美术馆和西安国际会议中心·曲江宾馆。

    The third batch are the modem urban development zones and cultural zones like Shan'xi History Museum , Shan'xi Provincial Library , the Art Gallery , Xi ' an International Conference Center and Qujiang Hotel .

  16. 其过激行为与陕西历史文化、经济发展、社会分层、社会结构及其社会化过程中的各种社会问题有着密切关系。

    Those extreme behaviors of the football fan are closely connected with history and culture , development of economy , social stratification , social structure and other problems in the course of socialization in Shaanxi Province .

  17. 这座历史古城见证过中国许多重大的历史事件,这里出土一砖一瓦都能向我们讲述一个精彩的故事,位于西安的陕西历史博物馆藏品超过37万件。

    The city witnessed many major events in Chinas history . Every brick , every object unearthed in that historic city can tell us a fascinating story . The Shaanxi History Museum there has a collection of over 370,000 items .

  18. 陕西省历史上为河东盐销区。

    Shaanxi province was salt marketing area of Hedong on the history .

  19. 略论陕西地域历史文化中的人文精神

    On the Humanistic Spirits of Shaanxi Regional Historical culture

  20. 本论文的研究对象为陕西古代历史题材电视剧。

    In this paper , the study of ancient history of Shaanxi TV themes .

  21. 陕西几次历史地震震中位置的匡定

    Correction of seismic centre position about several historical earthquakes in Shanxi Province

  22. 陕西泡桐育种历史及展望

    Reviews and Prospects of Paulownia Breeding in Shaanxi Province

  23. 丰富的文化遗存,深厚的文化积淀,形成了陕西独特的历史文化风貌。

    Rich cultural heritage , profound cultural accumulation and formed a unique history and culture of Shaanxi style .

  24. 对陕西油菜生产历史和现状的分析认为,油菜生产中存在的问题主要是籽粒品质较差,生产成本高,竞争力不强;

    Looking back the history of rape production in Shaanxi Province , the existing problems are as follows : high production cost , weak competition ;

  25. 三秦文化属于地域性文化,它是指在三秦大地(即陕西地区)历史上形成发展起来的有其价值与特色的区域性传统文化。

    Sanqin culture belongs to the culture of region , it is a regional culture of its value and special features that has been developing in the history in Sanqin , namely , Shanxi region .

  26. 本文以陕西定边中学历史校本课程的开发与实践为实例探讨校本课程开发的价值、目的、评价体系、实施方案以及存在问题和解决方法。

    This article takes the shaanxi DingBian high school history of school-based curriculum development and practice as an example to discuss the development of school-based curriculum value , purpose , evaluation system , implementation plan and existing problems and solving methods .

  27. 本文从电力与可持续发展的辩证关系入手,在对陕西电力发展历史、现状进行广泛分析的基础上,着重对陕西电力21世纪前30年的发展进行了宏观战略性研究。

    The dissertation studies the dialectical relationship between electric power and sustainable development based on extensive analyses of the history and Present State of Shaanxi electric power development Carrying out an important , macroscopic and strategic study on Shaanxi electric power development the first 30 years in 21 century .

  28. 陕西省秋粮产量历史演变特征分析

    Characteristics of Fall Crop Yield Variations in Shaanxi

  29. 陕西是中国的历史。

    Shaanxi is Chinese history .

  30. 根据四川、陕西等省的历史公路水毁统计资料,提出了较为实用的公路边坡灾害等级划分,划分方法有别于地质灾害等级。

    The dissertation discussed a practical grade classification according to investigated data of highway disaster in SICHUAN and SHAANXI province .