
  • 网络northern shaanxi dialect
  1. 陕北方言反复问句的句法形式

    The syntax of complex interrogative sentence in Northern Shaanxi dialect

  2. 陕北方言对普通话水平测试的影响

    The Effect of Northern Shaanxi Dialect on Putonghua Proficiency Test

  3. 文章对陕北方言中普遍使用的在亲属称谓词语后面附加的构成的特殊句法格式,从的的语法性质、Nq的格式的句法功能、语用功能等方面,进行了全面分析和界定。

    From such aspects as the grammatical characteristics of de , and the syntactic function of Nq de form and language function , a special syntax with de commonly used after the appellations of relatives in Northern Shaanxi was thoroughly analyzed and defined .

  4. 陕北方言的疑问句和普通话的疑问句不同,只有是非问句、特指问句和选择问句三种,且结构格式也不一样。

    Interrogative sentences in Northern Shaanxi dialect are different from that in Putonghua .

  5. 陕北方言的特点分析&陕北人学英语的障碍及解决途径研究之一

    Analysis of the features of Northern Shaanxi dialect

  6. 陕北方言中的分音词

    The Sound-dinded Words in Northern Shaanxi Dialect

  7. 陕北方言的疑问句

    Interrogative sentences in Northern Shaanxi dialect

  8. 另外陕北方言词法运用的一些特点,让陕北民歌生动而充满情趣。

    In addition , some of the morphological characteristics in Northern Shaanxi dialect make Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs sound charming and lively .

  9. 陕北方言的正反是非问句&一个类型学的过渡格式研究

    The Positive / negative and Yes / no Interrogative Pattern of North Shaanxi Dialect : A Typological Research on a Interim Form

  10. 路遥小说中除了始终贯穿的信天游旋律外,还把陕北方言融汇在作品的整个叙事话语系统中,从而表现出鲜明的地域文化色彩。

    Besides the Xintianyou rhyme running through the novels , the dialect in the north of Shanxi is integrated into the whole narration , thus Lu Yao 's novels express the vive regional culture .

  11. 陕北志丹方言中的“敢”既是助动词,又是测度副词。

    " Gan " in Zhidan dialect of Northern Shaanxi is both an auxiliary verb and a degree adverb .

  12. 陕北民歌依附于陕北方言,陕北方言于陕北民歌有着重要的作用。

    Northern Shaanxi dialect plays an important role in Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs .