
  1. 加入土豆丁,翻炒至金黄色表皮形成,但小心不让它们破裂或粘粘。

    Add the potatoes and stir-fry until a golden peel forms , but be careful not to let them char or stick .

  2. 菜谱同上,先煎一些熏肉,用熏肉熬出的油爆炒土豆丁及洋葱粒。

    Follow the recipe above with first cooking the bacon , then saut é ing the diced potato and onions in the fat .

  3. 如果用于凉拌或做土豆丁,可以在煮土豆的水里加些腌菜的盐水或醋,土豆煮后就能保持完整;

    If small potatoes for salad or do , you can cook potatoes in water , add some salt or vinegar , pickles , boiled potatoes can be kept intact ;