
  • 网络primary mineral;soil primary mineral
  1. 因此,在某种程度上可以说,枣区土壤原生矿物化学组成特征可以作为探寻枣树适宜区域的一种标志。

    Consequently , to a certain ex-tent , the chemical composition of the soil primary m1nerals may be an indicator for searching for suitable areas for jujube growing .

  2. 攀枝花地区昔格达土系粉砂壤土和粉砂土,土壤中原生矿物主要为石英和长石,次生矿物主要为蒙脱石、伊利石和高岭石。

    The Xigeda soil is made up of silty loam and silt soil in Panzhihua region , Minerals of which are mainly quartz and plagioclase with clay minerals , montmorillonite , illite and kaolinite .

  3. 同时,由于土壤中的原生矿物(长石和云母)初经风化,从而呈现出土壤逆向发育的现象。

    Meanwhile , since the original minerals ( feldspar and mica ) in soil are initially weathered , soil appears to have a phenomenon of reversible development .