- 网络Luvisols;Alfisols;Alfisols, leached soil

The central concept of Alfisols is that of soils that have an argillic , a kandic , or a nitric horizon and a base saturation of 35 % or greater .
Effect of alkaline ameliorators on acidic buffering ability of aluminum-rich ALFISOLS
Pedogenic processes and characteristics of ALFISOLS in China
Hydroxy interlayered mineral of Alfisol in Central China
They typically have an ochric epipedon , but may have an umbric epipedon .
And the soil developed in the humid and warm region at mountain waist area to be Hap Udic Luvisols .
A soil column leaching experiment was designed and conducted to investigate effect of simulated acid rain on release of cadmium from two kinds of red soils .
This paper was done on the base of the investigation of copper content in orchard soils in order to study the toxic mechanism of copper to pot-planting young apple trees and four apple parent stock seedings planted in brown earth ( Hap udic luvisol CSC system ) .
The AOCl was detected in the leachate , it was found that most of the AOCl was adsorbed by the soils , especially topsoil .
Among thirteen sub-groups of lime soil , Content SOM and Total N in leaching limestone red soil was was lower than average values of other soil .
Effect of Leaching of Simulated Rain With Different pH Values on Soil Acidification of Original Paddy Soil Column
Leaching characteristics of controlled release and common nitrogen fertilizers and their effects on soil and ground water quality
Atrazine has a good solubility in soil , so it easily migrates to deep layer or transported to the surface water or groundwater by the river .