
  • 网络Lymphatic filariasis
  1. 蚊子也会携带淋巴丝虫病,也称为象皮病。

    Mosquitoes also carry lymphatic filariasis , also known as elephantiasis .

  2. 慢性淋巴丝虫病临床诊断及照料方法

    Methods for clinical diagnosis and care of chronic lymphatic filariasis

  3. 来自爱尔兰的Campbell和日本教授大村智因研制一种新型药材而获奖。这种名为“阿维菌素”的药材可用来对抗河盲(盘尾丝虫病)和淋巴丝虫病,并在对抗其他寄生虫病上效果显著。

    Irish-born Campbell and Japanese Omura won half of the prize for discovering a new drug , avermectin , that has helped the battle against river blindness and lymphatic filariasis , as well as showing effectiveness against other parasitic diseases .

  4. 因此,世卫组织于2000年发起了消除淋巴丝虫病全球计划(GPELF),目标是在2020年消除淋巴丝虫病这一公共卫生问题。

    In response , WHO launched its Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis ( GPELF ) in2000.The goal of the GPELF is to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public-health problem by2020 .

  5. 济南市消除淋巴丝虫病的对策与效果

    Study on strategies and effect of eliminating filariasis in Jinan City

  6. 上海市南汇区淋巴丝虫病防治效果分析

    The control and surveillance of lymphatic filariasis in Nanhui District of Shanghai

  7. 我国淋巴丝虫病流行病学调查和防治对策研究概述

    Epidemiological survey of lymphatic filariasis and control measure in China

  8. 在2020年时消除淋巴丝虫病这一公共卫生问题。

    Lymphatic filariasis is targeted for elimination as a public health problem by2020 .

  9. 淋巴丝虫病,俗称象皮病,是一种被忽视的热带疾病。

    Lymphatic filariasis , commonly known as elephantiasis , is a neglected tropical disease .

  10. 通过控制发病率和预防残疾措施减轻淋巴丝虫病造成的痛苦。

    Alleviating the suffering caused by lymphatic filariasis through morbidity management and disability prevention .

  11. 消除淋巴丝虫病战略有两个主要组成部分

    The strategy is based on two key components

  12. 九江市消除淋巴丝虫病的研究

    Study on eliminating filariasis in Jiujiang City

  13. 梧州市淋巴丝虫病防治简报

    Control of lymphatic filariasis in Wuzhou City

  14. 消除淋巴丝虫病全球计划还注重培训卫生保健工作者和社区,做到提供正确的卫生保健和治疗服务。

    The GPELF focuses on training health-care workers and communities to dispense proper care and treatment .

  15. 麻风病、淋巴丝虫病和沙眼等疾病也是被忽视的热带疾病。

    Diseases such as leprosy , lymphatic filariasis , and trachoma are also on this list .

  16. 淋巴丝虫病为东南亚、西太平洋及南太平洋的重要公共卫生问题。

    Lymphatic filariasis is a major public health problem in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific .

  17. 你们曾全速前进以实现消灭淋巴丝虫病的全球目标,该疾病是世界第二大致残原因。

    You have steamed full speed ahead in reaching global goals for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis .

  18. 上海市南汇区达到消除淋巴丝虫病标准后的监测分析

    Results of monitoring of lymphatic filariasis in Nanhui District in Shanghai after attaining the criteria of elimination

  19. 目的总结和分析九江市消除淋巴丝虫病的经验、措施和效果。

    Objective To sum up the experience and analyze the control measures and effectiveness of eliminating filariasis in Jiujiang City .

  20. 科学家说,一种常用抗生素最适于清除东南亚最常见的淋巴丝虫病。

    A commonly-used antibiotic is most suitable to eliminate the most common form of lymphatic filariasis in South-East Asia , say researchers .

  21. 淋巴丝虫病破坏人体的淋巴系统,使身体局部出现不正常肿大,引起疼痛,病情严重时可造成残疾。

    Lymphatic filariasis can result in an altered lymphatic system and the abnormal enlargement of body parts , causing pain and severe disability .

  22. 最近的研究数据表明,自实行消除淋巴丝虫病全球计划以来,高危人群的淋巴丝虫病传播已下降了43%。

    Recent research data show that the transmission of lymphatic filariasis in at-risk populations has dropped by43 % since the beginning of the GPELF .

  23. 为了阻断淋巴丝虫病的传播,世界卫生组织建议每年在流行地区对所有危险人群进行大规模两药联用单剂治疗。

    To interrupt transmission WHO recommends an annual mass drug administration of single doses of two medicines to all eligible people in endemic areas .

  24. 加纳的科学家证明了服用一个疗程的廉价的抗生素多西环素可以预防并缓解淋巴丝虫病的症状。淋巴丝虫病是一种能够毁容的热带疾病,它又称作象皮病。

    Research in Ghana has shown that a single course of a cheap antibiotic can prevent and relieve symptoms of the disfiguring tropical disease lymphatic filariasis .

  25. 当淋巴丝虫病发展成慢性疾病时,会导致淋巴水肿(组织肿胀)或四肢象皮肿(皮肤/组织增厚)和鞘膜积液。

    When lymphatic filariasis develops into chronic conditions , it leads to lymphoedema ( tissue swelling ) or elephantiasis ( skin / tissue thickening ) of limbs and hydrocele ( fluid accumulation ) .

  26. 目的了解和评价上海市南汇区淋巴丝虫病自1981年基本消除后的监测效果,为WHO将对中国消除丝虫病的情况进行认证准备充分的资料。

    Objective This study was designed to see and evaluate the results of surveillance on lymphatic filariasis in Nanhui District of Shanghai since its eradication on the whole in 1981 there , getting the data ready on China 's situations in the eradication of the epidemic for WHO .