
xī niǎo
  • hornbill;toucan
犀鸟[xī niǎo]
  1. 犀鸟款有一个黄色和黑色的嘴和蓝色条纹的翅膀。

    The Toucan has a large yellow and black beak and blue striped wings .

  2. 几个世纪以来,科学家被犀鸟巨大的喙所迷惑,但是现在一组团队认为他们找到了答案。

    For centuries , scientists have puzzled over why the toucan 's bill is so remarkably large-but now one team thinks it might have an answer .

  3. 笼养条件下冠斑犀鸟合作繁殖行为

    Cooperation Breeding Behavior of Malabar Pied Hornbill in Captive Breeding Cage

  4. 大王没必要听小犀鸟的聒噪!

    Kings don 't need advice from little hornbills for a start !

  5. 他们从木椽上取下巨大的犀鸟雕像

    where they take the giant hornbill statue down from the rafters .

  6. 珊瑚树、蝴蝶、犀鸟和蜂鸟是这个地区特有的动植物。

    Coral trees , butterflies , toucans and hummingbirds are features of the area .

  7. 或是犀鸟彼此呼唤,飞掠游客头顶,最后停靠树顶。

    Or hornbills may be calling to one another as they fly overhead before settling in the treetops .

  8. 犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和伯劳是克鲁格常见鸟类中的典型品种。

    Hornbills , starlings , vultures , rollers , bee-eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous avifauna of the Kruger .

  9. 自从2009年开始彻底的岩洞探索以来,人们在这片梦幻般的栖息地中曾发现过猴子、犀鸟和飞狐的身影。

    Monkeys , hornbills and flying foxes have all been spotted in this surreal habitat , first fully explored in 2009 .

  10. 笼养噪犀鸟的繁殖行为观察与繁殖技术探讨

    The Observation of the Reproductive Behaviors of Trumpeter Hornbill ( Ceratogymna bucinator ) and the Discussion of Breeding Technology Raising in Cages

  11. 在浓密广阔的森林里,野象、野牛悠闲漫步,孔雀高傲地挺立着,长臂猿嬉戏玩耍,犀鸟窃窃低语。

    Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about , with peacocks in their pride , gibbons at play , and hornbills whispering .

  12. 一般情况下犀鸟不是猎豹的捕猎对象。猎豹守护:将使坐着的猎人受到攻击时眩晕。

    Hornbills are not commonly a leopard prey item . Aspect of the Cheetah : This ability will now cause Hunters to become dazed when struck while sitting .

  13. 无论在撒哈拉以南非洲的干燥热带草原还是在美拉尼西亚茂密的森林中都可以听到犀鸟如雷的叫声。

    From loud barks to thunderous booms , hornbill cries resound across a range that extends from the dry savannas of sub-Saharan Africa to the lush forests of Melanesia .

  14. 尽管雌犀鸟已经解除巢穴“禁闭”,雏鸟仍然再在巢里度过几周,依赖它的父母直到羽毛丰满能够飞翔。

    Though its mother has left the confines of the nest , the chick remains within for another few weeks , dependent on its parents until it fledges . "

  15. 我一开始几乎根本看不见犀鸟,而他们则可以在数百米外判断出来-在高高的树上,有那么一个树叶似的剪影(即犀鸟)。

    I could barely see the hornbill at first , and they could just tell from hundreds of meters away , that high up on a tree , was a silhouette next to some leaves ( which was a hornbill ) .