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  • rhinoceros horn
  1. 国务院关于禁止犀牛角和虎骨贸易的通知

    Circular of the State Council on Banning the Trade of Rhinoceros Horn and Tiger Bone

  2. DNA测试可以用来保证只有合法的犀牛角才可以用于出售。

    DNA testing could be used to assure that only legal rhino horns are sold .

  3. 用中子活化分析法测定犀牛角和水牛角中的微量元素

    Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in horns of rhinoceros and buffalo

  4. 在亚洲象牙和犀牛角被卖到非常高的价格。

    Ivory and rhino horns sell for very high prices in Asia .

  5. 例如犀牛角并不能治疗癌症。

    for example , that rhino horn cannot cure cancer .

  6. 南非政府已经开始在安排研究让犀牛角贸易合法化。

    The South African government has commissioned to study on legalizing the rhino trade .

  7. 但是犀牛角通常进入非法市场。

    But the horns often enter illegal markets .

  8. 所以历史上日本、台湾、韩国都是犀牛角的主要用户。

    So historically Japan , Taiwan , Korea were all major users of rhino horn .

  9. 在中国和越南,犀牛角被用作传统药物已长达几个世纪。

    Rhino horn has been used in traditional medicine in China and Vietnam for centuries .

  10. 他称犀牛角的贸易合法化将会降低价格并刺激到偷猎行业。

    He said legalizing the rhino horn trade would reduce the price and incentive for poaching .

  11. 现在,他们正在尝试一种新的方式:就是给犀牛角下毒。

    Now , they are trying a new tactic : they poison the rhinos ' horns .

  12. 有人说是犀角,不知犀牛角应该是个什么样子?

    It is said to be rhinoceros horn , wonder what should a rhinoceros horn like ?

  13. 去年,只在南非,偷猎者为了获得犀牛角猎杀了1215头犀牛,这个数字创下了历年之最。

    Last year in South Africa alone , a record 1,215 rhinos were killed for their horns .

  14. 专家们说,来自亚洲特别是越南和中国的需求,导致了绝大多数的从南部非洲来的犀牛角贸易。

    Experts say demand in Asia-especially Vietnam and Chian-currently drives most trade in rhino horns from southern Africa .

  15. 当亚洲对于象牙和犀牛角需求增加时非洲偷猎势头也呈上升趋势。

    Poaching is on the rise across Africa as demand grows in Asia for ivory and rhino horns .

  16. 《方舟》与《犀牛角一样独自前行》女性主题比较研究

    The Female Thematic Comparison of the " Fangzhou " and " Go Alone Like the Horns of a Rhino "

  17. 报告称,尽管出台了新的应对措施,南非的偷猎和非法犀牛角贸易仍然在增长。

    The report says poaching and illegal horn trade has increased in South Africa even with new measures against it .

  18. 世界野生动物基金称,人们对犀牛角的需求导致今年南非的非法狩猎达到新高。

    The demand for rhino horns has led to record poaching this year in South Africa , wildlife charity WWF has said .

  19. 而出售合法犀牛角所得的税收和费用可以用来增加安全与保护措施。

    And taxes and fees from the sale of legal rhino horns could be used to fund increased security and conservation measures .

  20. 在中国和越南等国家,这一需求尤其旺盛,那里的人们错误地认为犀牛角能提高男性性能力。

    Demand is high in countries such as China and Vietnam , where people mistakenly believe consuming rhino horns can increase male potency .

  21. 我们需要明确的机制,在合适的位置来阻止非法捕杀犀牛角进入合法贸易当中。”

    We need to be clear on the mechanisms that will be put into place to stop horns from illegally killed rhinos entering the legal trade . "

  22. 2001年,进入非法贸易市场的68%的非洲犀牛角被寻获。今年,九成的犀牛角毫无干扰地进入了亚洲市场。

    In two thousand one , sixty-eight percent of African rhino horns entering illegal trade were ed. By this year , nine out of ten were ing to Asian markets without

  23. 旧大陆一个草本属,总状花序;木犀草;淡黄木犀草。有人说是犀角,不知犀牛角应该是个什么样子?

    Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers : mignonette ; dyer 's rocket . It is said to be rhinoceros horn , wonder what should a rhinoceros horn like ?

  24. 作为消费者,我们应敦促企业帮助执法部门阻止象牙、犀牛角和野生动物制品通过轮船、飞机和卡车转移。

    And as consumers , we should urge companies to help law enforcement authorities disrupt the transfer of tusks , rhino horn and wildlife products on ships , aircraft and trucks .

  25. 他于2012年前往非洲,并在前不久推出了一本书和相关纪录片,介绍盗取象牙和犀牛角的偷猎活动,给大象和犀牛带来的严峻威胁。

    He traveled to Africa in 2012 and recently released a book and documentary on the severe risks faced by elephants and rhinos due to poaching for their tusks and horns .

  26. 越南也是野生动物产品重要的消费国,特别是那些能够用来制造传统药材的动物产品,比如犀牛角。犀牛角被用来治疗从癌症到宿醉的各种疾病。

    Vietnam is also a significant consumer of wildlife , especially those yielding the ingredients for traditional medicine , such as rhino horn , which is used to treat everything from cancer to hangovers .

  27. 本文将以中国张洁的《方舟》与韩国孔枝泳的《犀牛角一样独自前行》两部作品来进行比较研究。

    Based on the understanding , this thesis compares the two representative women writers of China and Korea , and their works " Fang zhou " and " Go Alone Like The Horns Of A Rhino " .

  28. 而对于其他人,既然拿掉犀牛角后犀牛也不是非死不可,况且活着的犀牛还可以再长出新的角,犀牛角交易合法化以及圈养犀牛似乎成了不二选择。

    It has persuaded others that , since a rhino does not have to die to give up its horn , and since only a live rhino can grow another one , legalizing horn sales and farming rhinos may be the only answer .

  29. 虽然目前犀牛角的需求在中国,越南和泰国等亚洲其他国家不断上升、但已成功地遏制非法贸易。“我们知道,在过去犀牛角的市场增长,然后在其他地方被降低。

    And while demand for rhino horns currently is rising in China , Vietnam and Thailand , other countries in Asia have been successful in curbing the illegal trade . " We do know that , in the past , markets for rhino horns have grown and then been reduced elsewhere .

  30. 昨天市动物园的一头犀牛用角刺伤了一个小孩。

    A rhinoceros at the city zoo gored a small child yesterday .