
  • 【医】adephagia
  1. 该病的传播是由于部族人过度地按宗教仪式嗜食人肉。

    It was spread because the tribespeople indulged in ritual cannibalism .

  2. 非嗜食植物中的昆虫产卵驱避物及其利用

    Progress and application of oviposition deterrents of non-preferable plants on insect

  3. 非嗜食植物次生化合物对节瓜蓟马种群的作用

    Effects of semichemicals of non-preferable plants on the populations of Thrips palmi

  4. 医务人员嗜食槟榔和患口腔粘膜下纤维性变病的调查分析

    The investigation of chewing areca and suffering oral submucous fibrosis of medical staff

  5. 绵羊对各种植物的选择性采食顺序可分为嗜食、喜食、可食和少食4个等级;

    The order of preferred plant species can be divided into 4 classeds .

  6. 26种非嗜食植物乙醇提取物对柑桔潜叶蛾的产卵驱避作用

    Oviposition Repellent of Alcohol Extracts of 26 Non - Preferable Plant Species Against Citrus Leafminer

  7. 第五名:嗜食油腻

    No.5 Eat greasy food

  8. 嗜食人肉的人对被俘掳的传教士说:我们想设宴招待你(吃掉你)。

    We would like very much to have you for dinner , as the cannibal said to the captured missionary .

  9. 非常有趣的是,同类相食常常发生在圈子里的哺乳期雌鼠嗜食其它雌鼠后代的情况下。

    Interestingly enough , the cannibalism most often occurs when lactating females in the coterie eat the young of the other females .

  10. 由于老鼠和其它害虫嗜食这些鸟类的产卵,并与它们争夺食物,因此很多鸟类面临着灭绝的危机。

    Many bird species are threatened with extinction because rats and other pests feast on their eggs and compete with them for food .

  11. 结果表明:初孵幼虫嗜食无毒棉棉叶,3龄幼虫则喜食玉米心叶。5龄幼虫在甜玉米上的取食次数最多,取食总时间最长,在有毒棉上的取食时间最短。

    The results showed that the newly hatched larvae preferred to feeding on glandless cotton and the 3rd instar larvae to feeding on heart leaves of corn .

  12. 当然,诸如拥挤、通风不好、营养不良的其他因素也会促使鸭子嗜食同类。

    Of course , other factors such as crowding , poor ventilation , and a lack of nutrients can contribute to a duckling 's urge to eat other ducklings .

  13. 同时通过诱导激活谷胱甘肽硫转移酶活性,来增强代谢作用,从而起到解毒作用,这是试虫对非嗜食物质的应急反应。

    The alkaloids induced the glutathione-s-transferases activity of tested insect , enhanced the metabolism and played the role of detoxification , which is an emergency response on the non-preferable material .

  14. 长期从事脑力劳动、嗜食肥甘厚味、高血压合并糖尿病、高血脂、高血糖、急躁易怒、烦躁不安是易损斑块人群缺血性脑卒中发病前的临床特征。

    Long-term engaged in mental work . High-fat diet , DM accompanying hypertension , Hyperlipidemia , high blood sugar and brash irritability are important clinical characteristics of Vulnerable plaque population before ischemic stroke onset .

  15. 同类相食发生在同一物种里,通常是在成员想要嗜食本物种内其他成员的情况下,与此同时还会引起物种内朋友或家庭间的互相厮杀。

    Cannibalism happens when one member of a species willingly eats other members of the same species , and in many of these cases , it involves the violent murder of friends or family .

  16. 瘀血体质原发性痛经患者的临床证候以寒湿凝滞证为主。3.瘀血体质患者的发病与饮食结构有密切关系,嗜食冷食、辛辣之品明显增高瘀血质患原发性痛经的发病率。

    Haemostasis constitution is closely related to the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea.2.The haemostasis constitution about primary dysmenorrhea patients ' clinical symptoms were cold-dampness stagnation ones . 3 primary dysmenorrhea patients is closely related to the diet structure .

  17. 接触史:在牲畜屠宰、销售过程中或加工进食羊仔和羊胎盘及嗜食路边烧烤牛、羊肉串,与畜及畜产品有直接或间接接触史的占85.71%;

    With respect to the mode of transmission , 85.71 % had direct or indirect contact with animals and animal products through livestock slaughtering and sales , processing and consuming of lamb and sheep placenta and indulging in roadside barbecued beef and lamb balls .

  18. 结论家庭主妇的运动习惯、嗜咸食和高脂饮食习惯与其家庭成员相应行为的发生率有关。

    Conclusion The chronic disease-related behaviors of high-salt intake , high-fat intake and lack of physical activity of housewives may be associated with those of their family members .

  19. 研究ICU重症患者连续发生嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌感染,并追踪其感染源。

    To investigate a potential outbreak of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia ( pma ) infection occurred in patients in ICU and to track the source of infection .

  20. NCCLS已组织了一个工作组,目前正在进行嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌和洋葱伯克霍德菌的纸片法与MIC的评价研究。

    NCCLS has organized a working group which is currently performing studies to evaluate the disk and MIC methods for S.maltophilia and B.cepacia .

  21. 结论对ICU患者缩短气管插管时间、合理使用抗菌药物、增强机体免疫功能等,有利于防治下呼吸道感染嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌。

    Conclusion Proper use of antibiotics , shortening the duration of hospitalization and tracheal intubation , sterilizing the instrument and improving the immunity of the patients are beneficial to prevent the infection of S. maltophilia .

  22. 嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌肺部感染54例临床分析

    Pulmonary infection caused by xanthomonas maltophilia : clinical analysis of 54 cases

  23. 方法对54例并发嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌肺部感染患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods 54 cases of lung infection by XM were retrospectively analyzed .

  24. 广州地区2000~2003年嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌的耐药性调查

    To Investigate the antibiotic resistance of Xanthomonas maltophilia in Guangzhou during 2000 ~ 2003

  25. 目的探讨嗜麦芽窄食假单胞菌的耐药特点。

    Objective To study the antibiotic resistance features of stenotrophomonas maltophilia ( SMA ) .

  26. 老年嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌院内肺炎92例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 92 cases in the elderly with nosocomial pneumonia caused by Xanthomonas maltophilia

  27. 结论:嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌引起的感染应引起临床医生及检测人员的高度重视。

    Conclusion : The infection of PMA should be pard attention to clinical doctors and inspectors .

  28. 结果多西环素、米诺环素对嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌的药敏结果较好;

    Results The susceptibility results of doxycycline and minocycline were better in curing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection ;

  29. 结果48例患者中嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌感染者32例、定植者16例。

    Results Among the 48 patients , 32 were with S. maltophilia infection , and 16 with colonization .

  30. 目的研究住院患者嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌感染的分布、药敏、临床及细菌学疗效。

    Objective To study the distribution , antimicrobial susceptibility , clinical and bacteriological efficacy of stenotrophomonas maltophilia infections .