
  • 网络extremophile;Extremophiles
  1. 水熊虫能够被列于这张清单上的原因在于,科学家们把它归类于“嗜极生物”。

    The tardigrade makes the list on account of it being what scientists call an " extremophile . "

  2. 这些“多嗜极类生物”能够同时拥有在极端的酸性、高温和高盐度下生存的能力。

    These are " polyextremophiles , " capable of living with extreme acidity , high temperatures and high salinity all at once .

  3. 事实上,这是一个极端的地方,仅仅把这些生物称为“多嗜极类生物”远远不够。

    In fact , it 's such an extreme place that merely referring to these organisms as " extremophiles " doesn 't go far enough .

  4. 据英国广播公司报道,令人不可思议的是,在这个贫瘠如地狱般的地区寻找生命的研究人员,已经发现了两种嗜极类生物细菌在达纳吉尔凹地安家生存。

    Improbably , researchers looking for life in this barren hellscape have found evidence that two extremophile types of bacteria have made their home in the Danakil Depression , reports the BBC .