- 名narcolepsy;somnolence

A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction of a second or up to thirty seconds . Often , it is the result of sleep deprivation , depression , or hypersomnia .
Methods Whole-night PSG and MSLT were conducted in 35 patients with NC and 30 with IH and sleep parameters analyzed .
Conclusion : The MSLT might be of important value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of narcolepsy and OSAS and Idiopathic lethargy and periodical leg movement .
He is used to seeing a steady trickle of younger clients who report taking drugs such as Vyvanse or Adderall that are prescribed for ADHD , or Modafinil , which is used to treat narcolepsy , in an attempt to help people concentrate or work for longer periods .
Trypanosoma brucei is the hemoflagellate that causes sleeping sickness .
One out of every 2000 people is said to have narcolepsy .
The attack itself can cause a person to gain weight and sweat profusely .
Sleep paralysis is sometimes associated with narcolepsy .
Narcoleptics can be extremely serious , but there is still no known cure .
The majority of sleep clinic patients suffer from disorder of excessive sleep or hypersomnia .
There is also Menstrual-Related Hypersomnia which is said to be caused by hormonal imbalances .
The colors are applicable to depression , depressive psychosis , lethargy , dementia , etc .
This is known as hypersomnia , recurrent sleepiness that makes people want to nap repeatedly , even at work .
Cinematic narcolepsy is the chronic involuntary sleep condition induced by viewing movies , particularly those shown on a large screen .
Disorders that interfere with normal sleep patterns , such as narcolepsy , can make sleep paralysis episodes much more frequent .
The symptoms of narcolepsy particularly sleep attacks and cataplexy can wreak havoc on your ability to live a normal life .
Before a person is hit with a hypersomnia attack , there are usually flu like symptoms present and a long-lasting headache .
Researchers have found that narcolepsy may be caused by an irregularity to the brain cells which control the sleep hormone hypocretin .
Diagnosis of narcolepsy can take a very long time , sometimes more than one year , or even up to several decades .
And nearly a third ( 29 per cent ) of drivers have continued their journey , ignoring the first tell-tale signs of drowsiness .
When human bodies have accumulated excess fat and are unhealthy it can lead to serious illness including heart disease , chronic lethargy and cancer .
And other sleeping disorders , including apnea and narcolepsy , may also increase the incidence of bad dreams and ni g ht m ar e.
Kleine-Levin Syndrome is marked by hypersomnia with odd behavior during the attacks , such as binge eating , aggression , confusion , hallucinations , and hypersexuality .
Generally these cells are excessively damaged , which causes disruptions to sleep patterns , as hypocretin is known to regulate the REM sleep cycle as well as staying awake .
Narcolepsy is a lifelong condition , but narcoleptics who make certain lifestyle changes and seek medical help can reduce symptoms , improve alertness and enjoy a full and active life .
Dr Allen , 35 , a scientist , suffers from bouts of " cataplexy ", a rare symptom of narcolepsy , triggered by strong emotions-such as fear , surprise or laughter .
Narcoleptics , people who often fall asleep quite suddenly , currently use the drug to ease their condition , and there is potential for modafinil to keep the rest of us up all night , too .
A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction of a second or up to thirty seconds . Often , it is the result of sleep deprivation , mental fatigue , depression , or hypersomnia .