
shì shuì zhènɡ
  • narcolepsy;somnolence
  1. 微睡眠(microsleep)指持续时间不超过30秒的短暂睡眠状态,多由睡眠不足、精神疲乏、抑郁、或嗜睡症引起。

    A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction of a second or up to thirty seconds . Often , it is the result of sleep deprivation , depression , or hypersomnia .

  2. 方法对35例发作性睡病(NC)和30例嗜睡症(IH)进行整夜多导睡眠图(PSG)描记和多次睡眠潜伏期试验(MSLT),分析其睡眠参数异同。

    Methods Whole-night PSG and MSLT were conducted in 35 patients with NC and 30 with IH and sleep parameters analyzed .

  3. 结论:MSLT对发作性睡病、阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停、原发性嗜睡症和睡眠中周期性腿动等疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要参考价值。

    Conclusion : The MSLT might be of important value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of narcolepsy and OSAS and Idiopathic lethargy and periodical leg movement .

  4. 他已习惯于看到较年轻的客户跟他说,他们在服用治疗多动症的Vyvanse或阿得拉(Adderall),或者治疗嗜睡症的莫达非尼(Modafinil)等处方药,目的是帮助他们集中注意力或工作更长时间。

    He is used to seeing a steady trickle of younger clients who report taking drugs such as Vyvanse or Adderall that are prescribed for ADHD , or Modafinil , which is used to treat narcolepsy , in an attempt to help people concentrate or work for longer periods .

  5. 布氏锥虫是一种造成嗜睡症的血鞭毛虫。

    Trypanosoma brucei is the hemoflagellate that causes sleeping sickness .

  6. 据调查,每2000个人中就有一个嗜睡症患者。

    One out of every 2000 people is said to have narcolepsy .

  7. 嗜睡症一旦发作会使人增重并且大量出汗。

    The attack itself can cause a person to gain weight and sweat profusely .

  8. 相关症状&睡眠瘫痪有时伴随发作性嗜睡症。

    Sleep paralysis is sometimes associated with narcolepsy .

  9. 患嗜睡症有时会造成非常严重的后果而且目前该病仍然无法治愈。

    Narcoleptics can be extremely serious , but there is still no known cure .

  10. 睡眠科主要的病人是来治疗不规律的嗜睡的,或称之为嗜睡症。

    The majority of sleep clinic patients suffer from disorder of excessive sleep or hypersomnia .

  11. 另外,也有嗜睡症是由女性经期荷尔蒙失调造成的。

    There is also Menstrual-Related Hypersomnia which is said to be caused by hormonal imbalances .

  12. 用于治疗抑郁、抑郁性精神病、嗜睡症、痴呆症等。

    The colors are applicable to depression , depressive psychosis , lethargy , dementia , etc .

  13. 这被称为嗜睡症,周而复始的困意让人想不时的打一会盹,即使是在工作的时候。

    This is known as hypersomnia , recurrent sleepiness that makes people want to nap repeatedly , even at work .

  14. 90后占到61%电影嗜睡症是观看电影,尤其是那些在大屏幕上放映的电影,而引起的习惯性、不由自主地睡着的情况。

    Cinematic narcolepsy is the chronic involuntary sleep condition induced by viewing movies , particularly those shown on a large screen .

  15. 人的正常睡眠模式受到干扰出现混乱,比如说嗜睡症,睡眠麻痹的发作就会更加频繁。

    Disorders that interfere with normal sleep patterns , such as narcolepsy , can make sleep paralysis episodes much more frequent .

  16. 嗜睡症的症状,特别是睡眠发作和昏厥,会对你过正常的生活有很大的影响。

    The symptoms of narcolepsy particularly sleep attacks and cataplexy can wreak havoc on your ability to live a normal life .

  17. 在嗜睡症发作之前,患者通常会有流感和持续性头疼的症状。

    Before a person is hit with a hypersomnia attack , there are usually flu like symptoms present and a long-lasting headache .

  18. 研究人员发现,嗜睡症可能是由于控制睡眠的荷尔蒙下视丘分泌素分泌失调造成的。

    Researchers have found that narcolepsy may be caused by an irregularity to the brain cells which control the sleep hormone hypocretin .

  19. 嗜睡症的诊断要花很长的时间,有时会超过一年,甚至要好几十年。

    Diagnosis of narcolepsy can take a very long time , sometimes more than one year , or even up to several decades .

  20. 近三人之一(百分之二十九)的出现这种情况的司机会完全忽视这种嗜睡症所显现出的首个迹象,并且会继续驾驶。

    And nearly a third ( 29 per cent ) of drivers have continued their journey , ignoring the first tell-tale signs of drowsiness .

  21. 当人们的身体积聚了过多的脂肪且不健康时,就会导致严重的疾病,包括心脏病、慢性嗜睡症和癌症。

    When human bodies have accumulated excess fat and are unhealthy it can lead to serious illness including heart disease , chronic lethargy and cancer .

  22. 其它睡眠紊乱,包括呼吸暂停和嗜睡症,也会提高坏梦出现频率。

    And other sleeping disorders , including apnea and narcolepsy , may also increase the incidence of bad dreams and ni g ht m ar e.

  23. 克莱恩-莱文综合症的特征就是患者在嗜睡症发作期间行为异常,比如暴饮暴食、具有攻击性、意识模糊、出现幻觉和性欲亢进。

    Kleine-Levin Syndrome is marked by hypersomnia with odd behavior during the attacks , such as binge eating , aggression , confusion , hallucinations , and hypersexuality .

  24. 下视丘分泌素是调节人体快速眼动睡眠周期并使人保持清醒的物质,通常情况下,患嗜睡症的人下视丘分泌素被严重破坏,因而人类的睡眠模式被打破。

    Generally these cells are excessively damaged , which causes disruptions to sleep patterns , as hypocretin is known to regulate the REM sleep cycle as well as staying awake .

  25. 嗜睡症是终身的,但是嗜睡者可以通过改变生活方式和药物治疗减轻症状,改善人体的灵敏度,享受充实积极的生活。

    Narcolepsy is a lifelong condition , but narcoleptics who make certain lifestyle changes and seek medical help can reduce symptoms , improve alertness and enjoy a full and active life .

  26. 今年35岁的艾伦博士,患有一种“悴倒症”疾病。这是一种罕见的嗜睡症,患者一旦经历强烈的情感波折,如恐惧、惊讶和大笑,就会引发病症。

    Dr Allen , 35 , a scientist , suffers from bouts of " cataplexy ", a rare symptom of narcolepsy , triggered by strong emotions-such as fear , surprise or laughter .

  27. 常常忽然睡着的嗜睡症患者,通常用此药来减轻他们的症状,而“莫达非尼”也有可能让我们其余的人都能整晚不睡呢。

    Narcoleptics , people who often fall asleep quite suddenly , currently use the drug to ease their condition , and there is potential for modafinil to keep the rest of us up all night , too .

  28. 微睡眠指持续时间不超过30秒的短暂睡眠状态,多由睡眠不足、精神疲乏、抑郁、或嗜睡症引起。

    A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction of a second or up to thirty seconds . Often , it is the result of sleep deprivation , mental fatigue , depression , or hypersomnia .