
cù dǎo
  • cataplexy;damping off
猝倒 [cù dǎo]
  • (1) [cataplexy]

  • (2) 过度兴奋引起的肌张力突然消失,如过度愤怒或大笑,也常与极其想睡眠有关

  • (3) 疾病突然发作所引起的虚脱状态

猝倒[cù dǎo]
  1. 在温室病原诱发接种条件下,发病表现为出苗率的差异,即丧失发芽能力或出苗前的猝倒。

    The induced disease appears as the difference of emergence rate by artificial inoculation in glasshouse , indicate the lose of sprouting ability and pre & emergence damping off .

  2. 可以解释攻击行为、猝倒和记忆丧失。

    It would explain the aggressive behavior , the cataplexy , the memory loss .

  3. 杭州地区番茄苗期猝倒病的8种腐霉的DNA多态性

    DNA polymorphism of Pythium eight species of causing tomato seedlings damping off disease in Hangzhou region

  4. 最后,用定量实时PCR法在一组新样本(20名发作性睡病-猝倒患者和20名健康对照)中进一步确认候选基因的表达水平。

    Finally , the expression levels of the candidate genes were further confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR using a new set of samples ( 20 narcolepsy-cataplexy patients and20 healthy controls ) .

  5. 下丘泌素(OREXIN)缺乏可预测发作性睡病猝倒患者严重的白天睡眠过多

    Hypocretin ( orexin ) deficiency predicts severe objective excessive daytime sleepiness in narcolepsy with cataplexy

  6. 目的观察氟西汀(即百优解,fluoxetine)对发作性睡病(narcolepsy)猝倒(cataplexy)发作的治疗效果并探讨其剂量选择。

    Objective To evaluate fluoxetine and its effective dosage in the treatment of cataplexy in narcolepsy patients .

  7. 播种30d之后调查辣椒猝倒病发病率,结果显示木霉麦麸培养物、厚垣孢子可湿性粉剂对猝倒病有较好的控制作用。

    The disease investigation showed bran culture of Trichoderma and chlamydospore Wettable powder had better biocontrol effects against the capsicum damping-off disease .

  8. 通过甲基脂肪酸气相色谱分析法(GC-FAME)、Biolog细菌鉴定法(借助于计算机的数值分类法)和其它试验对黄瓜苗期猝倒病具有明显防治效果的16株拮抗菌株进行分类鉴定。

    Gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acid methyl esters ( GC FAME ), Biolog ( computer aided numeric taxonomy method ) and other tests were used for identification of 16 antagonistic bacteria against damping off of cucumber seedlings .

  9. 利用拮抗细菌(B-9l6、H-91、G-329、P-6854和JND)对茄果类蔬菜几种常见病害(根腐病、猝倒病和早疫病)进行室内外生物防治试验。

    In this experiment , the control effects of antagonistic bacterium ( B-916 , H-91 , G-329 , P-6854 and JND ) a-gainst some common diseases in solanaceous vegetables ( root rot , damping-off and early blight of tomato ) were studied .

  10. 苗期猝倒病是番茄育苗期的一类重要土传病害,在世界各国发生普遍且十分严重,造成重大的经济损失。

    Seedling damping-off of tomato is an important soilborne disease in tomato .

  11. 黄瓜苗期猝倒病侵染机制

    Infection Mechanism of Cucumber Seedling Damping - - off

  12. 黄瓜苗期猝倒病生物防治

    Biological control of seedling damping - off of cucumber

  13. 松苗猝倒病不同病原物的致病性差异及其生防细菌的筛选

    Difference in Pathogenicity of Damping-off Pathogens for Pine Seedlings and Screening of Biocontrol Bacteria

  14. 猝倒可以减少抗抑郁药物,抑制快速眼动睡眠。

    Cataplexy can be reduced by antidepressant drugs , which suppress rapid eye movement sleep .

  15. 阳离子对黄瓜苗期猝倒病菌果胶酶活性的影响

    Effect of cations on activities of pectinases from pathogen of cucumber seedling damping - off

  16. 以白天过度嗜睡就诊者3例,以猝倒就诊者3例。

    Three cases were admitted to hospital for excessive daytime sleepiness while another 3 for cataplexy .

  17. 首发症状为白天过度嗜睡5例,猝倒1例。

    The first symptoms was excessive daytime lethargy in 5 cases and cataplexy in 1 case .

  18. 杭州地区黄瓜猝倒病菌产嗜铁素拮抗菌的筛选与评价

    Screening and Evaluation of Antagonistic Bacteria Producing Siderophore Against Pathogen of Cucumber Damping-off in Zhejiang District

  19. 美国黄松幼苗对猝倒病抗性较差,播期晚、温度高、湿度大是诱发该病的3个主要原因;

    Delay in sowing , high temperature and much moisture are the three major reasons for damping-off .

  20. 结果:6例患者均有白天过度嗜睡,其中4例伴猝倒。

    Results : Six cases had daytime excessive lethargy , and 4 of them were associated with cataplexy .

  21. 其临床主要表现为眩晕、头痛、恶心呕吐、视物不清、有体位性猝倒病史等。

    The main clinical symptoms were giddiness , headache , nausea , vomiting , sudden syncope and so on .

  22. 主要有两种类别的抗抑郁药用于治疗猝倒-三环抗抑郁药和选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂。

    There are two main classes of antidepressant used for treating cataplexy-the Tricyclic antidepressants and the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors .

  23. 在湿地松育苗期间,往往因猝倒病的危害,严重影响了育苗和造林。

    During slash pine seedling production , damping-off can often cause severe damages to seedlings production and afforesting quality because of its endangering .

  24. 从3个湿地松苗圃土壤中分离出了66株松苗猝倒病的致病真菌,63个菌株为镰孢属真菌,2个为链格孢菌,1个为丝核菌属真菌。

    66 isolates of pathogen fungi were got and identified from the soil in three pine nurseries , among which 63 isolates belong to Fusarium spp.

  25. 文章分析了苗期常见的猝倒病与立枯病的病症、类型及发病规律,进而提出了此两种病害的防治措施。

    This paper analyzed the common cataplexy and damping-off illness during the seedling stage , the type and its law of being taken bad , then proposed controlling measures against these two kinds of plant diseases .

  26. 本文研究结果为应用生物防治解决松苗猝倒病防治难题奠定了基础,而松苗猝倒病的生物防治研究将有利于促进林木病害生物防治工作的深入和提高。

    The results of this study established the foundation of exploiting biological control and solving the difficult problem of controlling pine seedling damping-off . Furthermore , biocontrol research of pine damping-off will be helpful to promote biocontrol of forest root disease into a higher level .
