
  • 网络Argillic horizon;argic horizon
  1. 受粘粒含量影响,黄土性土壤中Cr()运移的速度不同,其顺序为粘化层<犁底层+老耕层<耕层<钙积层。

    The migration velocities of Cr ( VI ) in soil was relevant to contents of clay , and they were in an order : argillic horizon calcic horizon .

  2. 结果表明:福建典型赤红壤具有淡色表层、淀积粘化层等诊断层和湿润水分状况、高热土温状况等诊断特性。

    Results obtained revealed that there were such diagnostic horizons and properties as Ochric epipedon , Argillic horizon , Udic moisture regime , Hyperthermic temperature regime etc.

  3. 结果表明:1土娄土不同土层对Cr()的吸附量大小顺序为粘化层>犁底层+老耕层>耕层>钙积层;

    The results showed that : ① The absorption amount of different soil layers to Cr (ⅵ) were in an order of argillic layer > plow pan > top soil > calcic layer .

  4. 在铁质粘化层中粘粒和粉砂明显增多,铁质浓聚物以铁染基质存在。

    In ferri-argillic horizon , clay and silt become more and iron concentrations exist in the form of the matrix stained by iron .

  5. 淋溶土的主要特性是有粘化层,高岭层或氮化层和盐基饱和度达35%或以上。

    The central concept of Alfisols is that of soils that have an argillic , a kandic , or a nitric horizon and a base saturation of 35 % or greater .