
  • 网络clayization
  1. 野核桃林土壤在长期特定的生物、气候条件下,其腐殖化过程和钙积化过程明显,粘化过程较弱。

    The humic process and calcific process are obvious in wild walnut forest soils , but it is weak in argillic process .

  2. 土壤形成的主要特点是与水热条件相联系的强烈的淋溶过程和明显的淀积粘化过程以及在植被影响下的旺盛的生物累积过程。

    The major characteristics of the soil formation are heavy leaching and distinct illuvial-clayization conditioned by heat and water , and vigorous organic matter accumulation affected by the vegetation .

  3. 博格达山北坡土壤形成过程主要有腐殖质化过程、粘化过程、钙他过程、残余盐化-碱化过程、高山融冻过程。

    The main genetic processes of the soils on north slope of Bogda mountain include humification , argillization , calcification , relic salinization-alkalization and freezing-thawing of snow mentle of the mountain .

  4. 在环境稳定的条件下,随着土壤年龄的增加,必将显示粘化过程,其地球化学特征向着暗棕壤的方向演化。

    Stable conditions in the environment , with the increase of soil age , the process will show sticky process , its geochemical characteristics toward the evolution of the dark brown soil .