
  • 网络Agrobaclerium radibactor;actinomycetes;Streptomyces griseus;Streptomyces Hydroscopious;Agroba-clerium rctdibactor
  1. 长期单施化肥与不施肥(CK)比较,土壤放线菌数量增加,细菌和真菌数量略有增加或与之相当。

    Combined applying chemical fertilizers only had higher amount of actinomycetes and similar amount of bacteria and fungi compared with the soil without fertilizer-applied .

  2. 春季,土壤放线菌与土壤昆虫群落关系最为紧密,β-葡萄糖苷酶、碱性磷酸酶、多酚氧化酶、土壤pH值是实现其相关性的关键因子。

    In spring , the relationship between soil actinomycetes and soil insect community was most closely , and β - glucosidase , alkaline phosphatase and polyphenoloxidase , soil pH value were the key interaction factors of them .

  3. 结果与结论:从446种土壤放线菌提取物中筛选获得5种提取物对K562细胞具有明显的抑制作用,而对Vero细胞生长抑制作用较弱。

    Results and Conclusion : From 446 extracts of soil actinomycetes , 5 showed selective inhibition on K562 cell line but weak inhibition on Vero cell line .

  4. 土壤放线菌则与土壤有机质、速效氮、速效磷含量呈负相关。体外筛选抑制K562细胞生长的放线菌代谢物

    But the soil actinomyces descend with the increase of the soil organic matter , available N and available P. Screening of metabolites of soil actinomyces for selective inhibition on K562 in vitro

  5. 目的:建立一种适合较大量微生物代谢物抑制K562细胞生长的体外筛选方法,筛选对K562细胞具有抑制作用,而对正常细胞Vero无明显抑制作用的土壤放线菌提取物。

    Objective : To establish a method in vitro , suitable for screening large amount of microbial metabolites inhibiting K562 cell line , screening the metabolites of soil actinomyces inhibiting K562 cell line but having weak effects on normal Vero cell line in vitro .

  6. 从陕北地区的土壤放线菌样品中分离到一株链霉菌NW136。

    The Streptomyces strain NW136 was isolated from soil samples which collected from various areas in the north region of Shaanxi .

  7. 土壤放线菌组成的复杂程度随作物变化而变化;

    The complicated degree of actinomycetes changed as the crop changed .

  8. 大香格里拉土壤放线菌组成分析及生物活性测定

    Diversity and bioactivity analysis of actinomycetes isolated from Grand Shangri-La soil

  9. 云南土壤放线菌生态分布的研究

    A study on the ecological distribution of soil actinomycete in Yunnan

  10. 秦岭地区土壤放线菌分离及抑菌活性筛选

    Actinomycetes from Qingling Habitats Soil : Isolation and Screening for Antimicrobial Activity

  11. 土壤放线菌中抗肿瘤有效成分的分离及结构鉴定

    Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Antitumor Compounds from Soil Actinomycetes

  12. 塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境土壤放线菌的初步研究

    Soil Actinomycetes in Tarim Basin Desert Saline - Alkali Habitat

  13. 青海高寒草甸土壤放线菌区系研究

    Study on Actinomycetes Population of Alpine Meadow Soil in Qinghai

  14. 土壤放线菌分离及无抗菌活性株的激活

    Isolation of Soil Actinomycetes and activation of strains without antibiotic

  15. 土壤放线菌分离中抑制剂的应用研究

    Studies on Application of Inhibitor in Isolation Soil Actinomycete

  16. 土壤放线菌分离方法研究

    Study on the Method of Actinomycetes Isolation from Soil

  17. 土壤放线菌农用活性菌株的筛选及研究

    Studies on the Actinomycetes with Agricultural Activity in Soil

  18. 青海湖水及湖滨盐化土壤放线菌的分类及耐盐性

    Classification and Salt-Resistance of Actinomycetes in the Qinghai Lake Water and Lakeside Salinized Soil

  19. 新疆干旱区土壤放线菌拮抗植物病原真菌的研究

    Antimicrobial activity of soil actinomycetes in the arid area of Xinjiang to plant pathogenic fungi

  20. 中国大陆部分地区土壤放线菌分布特性

    Prevalent distribution of soil actinomycetes in some region of northern and southern part of China

  21. 四川四面山地区土壤放线菌分布特性

    The Distributive Characters of soil Actinomyces in Some Regions of Simian Mountain in Sichuan Province

  22. 塔里木盆地北缘土壤放线菌分布多样性分析

    Analysis on Diversity and Distribution of Soil Actinomycetes on the Northern Fringe of Tarim Basin

  23. 青海高原(西部)土壤放线菌资源及应用研究

    A Study on Resources and Application of Soil Actinomycetes from the Western Part of Qinghai Plateau

  24. 利用该方法对446株土壤放线菌进行筛选,发现5株活性菌株,2278~菌株具有较强的抑制活性。

    Of the 446 soil actinomycetes , 5 strains crude extracts have antitumor activities and 2278 was isolated further .

  25. 结果表明:①鲁西南地区土壤放线菌数量受多种因素影响:随土壤质地的不同而变化,其顺序为壤土>砂土>粘土。

    The results indicated that : ① The population of actinomycetes in this district was influenced by many factors .

  26. 喀什地区土壤放线菌区系及其拮抗植物病原真菌的研究

    Study on Population of Actinomycetes and Screening of Antagonistic Actinomycetes to Plant Pathogenic Fungi in Soil from Kashi Region

  27. 采用常规方法研究了新疆塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境土壤放线菌区系、放线菌的耐盐、碱性及对植物病原真菌的拮抗性。

    Oil Actinomycetes flora in Tarim Basin desert habitat , their saline-alkali resistance , and antagonistic against plant pathogenic fungi were studied with routine methods .

  28. 滇东南地区的土壤放线菌种类丰富,分离到了13个菌属,稀有放线菌的数量所占比例较高。

    It is indicated from the results that the population of soil actinomycetes in the southeastern Yunnan is complex , and 13 genera of actinomycetes were isolated ;

  29. 秋季,土壤放线菌与土壤昆虫群落的联系更为密切,土壤脲酶、全氮是实现其相关性的关键因子。

    In autumn , soil actinomycetes was more closely related to soil insect community , and soil urease , soil total nitrogen were the key interaction factors of them .

  30. 链霉菌是丝状多细胞土壤放线菌,土壤逆环境诱导链霉菌具有复杂形态分化生命周期,获得合成大量有用次生代谢物能力。

    Streptomyces are mycelial multicellular soil actinomycetes in which adverse environmental conditions induce a developmental program involving complex morphological differentiation coordinated with synthesis of an enormous variety of interesting and useful secondary metabolites .