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  • 网络scallion oil;onion oil;chive oil;shallot oil
  1. 这里的葱油拌面味道很不错的感觉,这里的服务也是很不错的呀!

    Here the onion oil noodles flavor good feeling , the service is also very good here !

  2. 本方法准确、简便、快速,现已应用于葱油的质量检验中。

    This method is simple and practical , and is now used in the quality inspection of fistular onion oil .

  3. 连记的葱油鸡,经过调制和蒸煮后呈现美妙的金黄色

    Lian Kee 's chicken , seasoned and steamed to a perfect golden yellow

  4. 葱油饼-这道简单易做的点心,将让你的亲友们对你厨艺赞赏不绝!

    Green Onion Cakes-Impress your friends and family with this easy Oriental appetizer .

  5. 新鲜的西红柿酱、热气腾腾的葱油拌面,上面还放着清炒的小甜瓜。

    Fresh tomato sauce , fried zucchini over steaming pasta in garlic and oil .

  6. 我爱死你做的葱油饼了!

    I love the Chinese pancakes you made !

  7. 很多早餐摊挡在人行道上卖面条,饺子还有葱油饼。

    Lots of breakfast stalls on the pavements selling noodles , dumplings or onion cakes .

  8. 今日在台湾的超市也可买到冷冻的葱油饼皮,消费者可以买回家自行煎熟食用。

    There are now also frozen scallion crepes that consumers can purchase at supermarkets and then cook at home .

  9. 但这个傻傻的葱油饼小贩心眼实在,最终事实证明,他比徐朗跟那个反派高博都要高明。

    But the obtuse pancake flipper has an honest heart and ultimately proves wiser than Xu or the comic villain Gao .

  10. 桌子上摆满了好吃的:烤葱油辣椒,凉切牛肉,康塔迪娜色拉,意大利面包和洋葱卷。

    The table full of food : roasted peppers in garlic and oil , cold cuts , contadina salad , Italian bread and onion rolls .

  11. 最好的葱油饼都是身材娇小的大妈做出来的。她们清早六点起床张罗,揉面,摔饼,在这个城市大大小小的弄堂里都能找到这种小小的中式面饼。

    The best green onion pancakes are cooked up by little old grannies who get up at 6 a.m. to cook , knead and slap these petite bing in the city 's many longtangs .