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cōng huā
  • chopped green onion;chopped fistular onion
葱花 [cōng huā]
  • [chopped fistular onion] 切碎的葱,作调味用

葱花[cōng huā]
  1. 传统的小料主要由麻酱、酱豆腐、韭菜花、辣椒油、芝麻、葱花、香菜调拌而成。

    The sauce normally is a mixture of sesame sauce , chili oil , leek etc.

  2. 加入蔓越莓干,葱花,甜椒和杏仁。

    Stir in the cranberries , onions , yellow pepper and almonds .

  3. 再撒上葱花和剩下的奶酪。

    Sprinkle with the green onions and remaining cheese .

  4. 葱花鲤鱼罐头的加工制作

    Processing of carp ′ s can of chopped scallion

  5. 把炒锅烧热,放入油和葱花。

    Heat the wok and put in the oil and chopped Chinese onions .

  6. 我是1002房,给我送一份牛肉粒,葱花炒饭。

    The room is1002 give me a portion of fried rice with meat only .

  7. 关火出锅,在盘子里的时候上面撒一层葱花。

    And the pot , heat in the dish and a layer on time .

  8. 洒上葱花和芝麻粒后入炉烘焙15分钟。

    Sprinkle with chopped onions and sesame seeds and bake for about 15 minutes .

  9. 洒入葱花,淋上生抽麻油即可食用。

    Sprinkle with the chopped spring onions and drizzle in light soya sauce and sesame oil .

  10. 木兰就作料,有咸盐、味精、辣椒油和葱花就蛮好。

    Mulan on condiments , originates , monosodium glutamate , pepper oil and mustard on the fine .

  11. 食用时,撒上葱花。

    Sprinkle with green onion .

  12. 吃时可随个人喜爱加入少许姜片、炒芝麻及葱花。

    Optional : add a little shredded ginger , stir-fried sesame seeds and diced spring onion on top .

  13. 关掉火,洒入花椒油,花椒面和一半的葱花。稍微翻拌一下。

    Turn off heat and sprinkle with chili oil , Szechuan chili powder , to taste , and half scallion .

  14. 小小的冷豆腐块布满葱花和碎花生,辣椒油把豆腐块染成了红色。

    Little chilled blocks of tofu will be covered with scallions and chopped peanuts turned the color of bricks by chile oil .

  15. 我要炒一盘葱花蛋我要炒宫保虾仁炒羊肚丝啦

    I 'd like a pan-fried noodle . - Oh , oh ! Sweet and pungent shrimp . Moo goo gai pan ..

  16. 如果在吃前,再加入蒜泥、葱花等调味品,吃起来就更有味道。

    If you eat before , and then adding garlic , green onion and other spices , to eat up even more flavor .

  17. 原料:河虾、姜末、葱花、绍酒、精盐、味精、糖、精制油。

    Ingredients : River shrimp , ginger powder , chopped scallion , rice wine , refined salt , MSG , sugar , refined oil .

  18. 跟着就可以装盘了!撒上一些你切好的葱花和一点黑胡椒,开动吧!

    Slide the omelet onto your plate . sprinkle on some chopped chives . add a few grinds of black pepper . and . Enjoy !

  19. 有白菜,姜,葱花,洋葱,鱼调料和其他调味品,我们做好自己的泡菜然后打包回国。

    From cabbage , ginger , scallions , garlic , fish sauce and some other condiments we prepared our own Kimchi and got it packed to take it home with us overseas !

  20. 成都街头至少有上百种特色小吃,比如酸辣粉,还有“龙抄手”(水煮馄饨淋上辣椒油、胡椒和葱花)。

    The streets hold more than 100 varieties of street snacks , from savory jelly noodles to " dragon lifting a hand " ( poached wontons drizzled in toasty chili oil , pepper corns and green onion ) .

  21. 特色菜有可口的菊花烧卖(据说慈禧太后最后一次驾临山西时非常喜欢),还有特别的养生葫芦丝(佐以山西陈醋、辣椒和细细的葱花)。

    Specialties are the delicate chrysanthemum shao mai ( steamed dumplings favored by the Empress Cixi when she last visited ) , and the unusual yangsheng hulusi , which is carefully coiled shredded bottle gourd dressed with aged Shanxi vinegar , chilies , and finely sliced scallions .

  22. 热干面来自河南省南侧的湖北省:面条筋道,有黏性但不粘牙,前一晚煮好,淋上芝麻油,第二天早上再煮一下,加入芝麻酱、咸辣椒和葱花搅拌。

    From Hubei Province , Henan 's southern neighbor , comes re gan mian , or hot-dry noodles : muscular strands , clingy but not sticky , cooked the night before and doused with sesame oil , then cooked again and tumbled with sesame paste , salted chiles and scallions .

  23. 找一个已经坐满了本地人的红火摊位坐下,小吃摊老板会在把一把米粉放进碗里,倒上滚烫的鱼汤,撒一把香菜、葱花、半个全熟的水煮蛋,或者还会几片炸鱼饼。

    Pick a place already busy with locals . The vendor will put a tangle of rice noodles in your bowl , pour over the hot broth , add a sprinkle of cilantro , a section of hard-cooked egg , some minced scallion greens and perhaps some slices of fish cake .