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jǔ jué
  • chew;masticate;mastication;mull over
咀嚼 [jǔ jué]
  • (1) [chew]∶含在嘴里细细嚼以使烂

  • (2) [mull over]∶比喻反复体会;玩味

  • (买臣)肩上虽挑着柴担,手里兀自擎着书本,朗诵咀嚼,且歌且行。-- 明. 冯梦龙《喻世明言》

咀嚼[jǔ jué]
  1. 口内大乾,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。

    The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food .

  2. 咀嚼痛苦每天的日子就像一枚枚橄榄青果,我不得不品味其中的酸楚与苦涩。

    Masticate the Ordeal Life is like the olive in every way , I have to savour its flavour everyday .

  3. 手术后你咀嚼和吞咽都会感到困难。

    After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow .

  4. 一定要慢慢吃,要细细咀嚼。

    Be certain to eat slowly and chew your food extremely well

  5. 将每一口充分咀嚼后,再吃下一口。

    Chew each mouthful fully before the next bite .

  6. 细细品尝每一口的味道,充分咀嚼。

    Savour the flavour of each mouthful , and chew your food well .

  7. 充分咀嚼食物,吃饭不要太快。

    Chew your food well and do not rush meals

  8. 屋子里一片寂静,只有约翰发出的咀嚼声。

    The room was silent except for John 's crunching

  9. 不要不加咀嚼就把什么都给一股脑地吞下去。

    Don 't gulp everything down without masticating .

  10. 马在咔嚓咔嚓地咀嚼干草。

    The horses were champing their hay .

  11. 食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。

    Chew your food well before you swallow it .

  12. 脑激活区在不同侧咀嚼中的作用还有待进一步的探讨。

    The roles of activated brain regions in mastication still elucidated .

  13. 演员对每句台词都要反复吟咏、咀嚼,才能进入角色。

    An actor must rehearse his lines thoroughly and really ponder them to get inside the character .

  14. 在西非,人们咀嚼可乐果来作为兴奋剂已有较长的历史了,因为这些果实中含有咖啡因,在茶叶、咖啡和巧克力中也存在咖啡因。

    In West Africa , people have long chewed kola nuts as stimulants , because they contain caffeine that also occurs naturally in tea , coffee , and chocolate .

  15. 为了证实蠕虫并不能光靠咀嚼就导致聚乙烯破裂,研究人员将一些虫子制成糊状物并放到塑料薄膜上。

    To confirm that the worms ' chewing alone was not responsible for the polyethylene breakdown , the researchers made some worms into paste and applied it to plastic films .

  16. 结论偏侧咀嚼是颞下颌关节紊乱综合症的病因之一

    Conclusions : Unilateral masticatory is one factor of TMD etiology .

  17. 一只鼯鼠在地上贪婪的咀嚼着它的食物

    A flying squirrel munches a meal on terra firma .

  18. 在咀嚼时可见有规律性类似棘波、多棘波

    Regular like spike wave and poly spike wave were found in mastication .

  19. 温馨提示:咀嚼时手里不要拿任何东西。

    Tip : Don 't hold anything in your hands while you 're chewing .

  20. 但是,它很少会咀嚼食物,因此只有在上腭处长有几颗小牙齿。

    but as it does not chew its food , it has only a few tiny teeth in its upper jaw15 .

  21. 所以今晚我建议你吃饭时放下餐具,专心咀嚼。

    So tonight , I challenge you to put down your cutlery and just focus on chewing while you 're eating .

  22. 不久,除了影子和绵羊咀嚼的声音,还有头顶的牛牵动链子发出的哗啦声外,什么也感觉不到了。

    Soon there were only shadows and the noises of the sheep chewing their cuds , and occasionally the rattle29 of a cow-chain up overhead .

  23. 这时,一只饿得半死的狼出现了,他走到犁旁边,开始咀嚼牛轭上的皮套。

    While he was absent a half-starved wolf appeared on the scene , and went up to the plough and began chewing the leather straps1 attached to the yoke2 .

  24. 这本书中写道:“这些蟒蛇把它们的猎获物不加咀嚼地囫囵吞下,尔后就不能再动弹了;它们就在长长的六个月的睡眠中消化这些食物。”

    In the book it said : " Boa constrictors swallow their prey4 whole , without chewing it . After that they are not able to move , and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion5 . "

  25. 成人骨性AngleⅢ类错合咀嚼运动的肌电变化研究

    The study on the EGG changes of masticatory movements in skeletal class ⅲ malocclusion

  26. 咀嚼间隙疾病的MRI和CT诊断

    MRI and CT Diagnosis of Diseases in Masticator Space

  27. 利用CT和MRI融合技术确定咀嚼肌三维肌力向量

    Three-dimensional masticatory muscle force vectors determined by CT and MRI fusion image technology

  28. PET在咀嚼功能对中枢的影响研究中应用的初步探讨

    Primary study of relationship between the mastication and brain function with PET

  29. 目的通过对牙面菌斑原位pH值的动态检测,观察咀嚼木糖醇口香糖对牙菌斑pH值的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of xylitol chewing gum on dental plaque pH in vivo .

  30. HPLC法同时测定阿司匹林咀嚼片中阿司匹林和水杨酸的含量

    Simultaneous determination of aspirin and salicylic acid in chewing aspirin tablets by HPLC