
  • 网络Alliaceae
  1. 美国西南部和墨西哥具球茎的一个多年生草本植物小属;有时归入葱科。

    Small genus of bulbous perennial herbs of southwestern United States and mexico ; sometimes placed in family alliaceae .

  2. 生于美国西部具球茎的一个植物属,叶基生,花色各种各样;有时归入葱科。

    Genus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored flowers ; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae .

  3. 美国西南部和墨西哥具球茎的一个多年生草本植物小属;有时归入葱科。最近呢,农业科学化了,又在植树造林,山岭田地更加郁郁葱葱了。

    Small genus of bulbous perennial herbs of southwestern United States and Mexico ; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae . Recently I have learned that people there have gone in for scientific farming and afforestation so that green and luxuriant vegetation has appeared on all mountains and fields .

  4. 羊葱是百合科葱属的一种世界性的蔬菜,具有很高的营养价值和药用价值。

    Onion is a universal vegetable of allium sativum with high nutritional and medicinal value .

  5. 用直接测定法测定10种植物样品谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性,其中以百合科的蒜、葱,葫芦科的绞股蓝活性较高。

    The activity of Glutathione peroxidases was detected in ten kinds of plant with directly - determined method .