
  1. 这夜,百姓就把牛羊牵到那里宰了。

    So everyone brought his ox that night and slaughtered it there .

  2. 当这夜过完就把这夜完掉。

    Forget this night when the night is no more .

  3. 每个人都认为这夜的奇遇只是一场梦。

    Everyone feels that the night 's strange events were just a dream .

  4. 即便如此,这夜的酒也不够我去品味。

    Even so , I don 't have enough beer to savor it .

  5. 这夜约书亚进入山谷之中。

    That night Joshua went into the valley .

  6. 想到这些,我那些城市化的昏乱心绪都融化在这夜的幽静之中了。

    With such thoughts , my citified confusions melt into the quiet of the night .

  7. 啊!那是我的眼泪,被你拒绝在这夜的漆黑里。

    Oh ! That is my tear , is refused in this night by you .

  8. 我嫉妒这夜

    I 'm jealous of the nights

  9. 夜在漫不经心、漠然地一点点降临,就是这夜吞没了他的幸福和快乐。

    The night came in , unconcerned and uninterested , the night which had swallowed up his happiness .

  10. 这夜我睡得香甜,有这么一个下午,又有一张晒好的亲贴丝棉被。

    That night I had a sweet sound sleep , relishing that unique afternoon and a well-aired , soft , silk-padded quilt .

  11. 这夜,我烧掉了朋友们的旧信札,就和女人抱着孩子走在一客栈里。

    That night I burned old letters from friends , picked up my son and went with my wife to a hotel .

  12. 只有我和这夜的诗篇现在,永远,只有我一个沉默的合唱开始了,在我听来,这般动人。

    Just I and the poetry of the night , now forever one , the ensemble of silence plays so beautiful for me .

  13. 那天晚上,也是凌子离开我的一年时候,但是这夜天气很晴朗,但是依然没有月亮,只有星辰。

    That evening , I also leave adjoining year , but this night the weather was very fine , but still no moon , only stars .

  14. 让你的梦飞翔吧,让你黑暗中的心灵屈服吧,屈服于我的音乐的力量,屈服于这夜之歌的力量。

    Let the dreams begin , let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write , the power of the music of the night .

  15. 约书亚打发他们前往,他们就上埋伏的地方去,住在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是在艾城的西边。这夜约书亚却在民中住宿。

    So Joshua sent them out : and they took up a secret position between Beth-el and ai , on the west side of ai : but Joshua kept with the people that night .

  16. 这夜是耶和华的夜;因耶和华领他们出了埃及地,所以当向耶和华谨守,是以色列众人世世代代该谨守的。

    Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt , on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come .

  17. 这家夜总的屋顶装了一个巨大的LED屏幕,说不定在太空上都看得见。能够支付这样的费用,看来经营得非常成功。

    It is apparently a very successful strip club , as they could afford to install a LCD screen on their roof that might be visible from the Space Station .

  18. 这套夜礼服浆一浆再熨。

    This ceremonial dress is to be starched and pressed .

  19. 这两夜没睡觉坚持不住了。

    I can 't go without sleep for two nights .

  20. 这不是夜总皇后吗?

    It 's the queen of the club !

  21. 你穿着这套夜礼服非常漂亮。

    You look fantastic with this evening dress .

  22. 闪烁着繁星的天空.这碧夜良宵,群星闪烁着。

    It 's such a clear night that the sky is glittering with stars .

  23. 我们将这颗夜明珠煮汤,父亲喝了夜明珠汤,自会痊愈。

    We will boil this pearl , and when our father drinks the boiled water , he will be well again .

  24. 等着看球星的大群球迷这碧夜良宵,群星闪烁着。

    A throng of fans waiting to see the star It 's such a clear night that the sky is glittering with stars .

  25. 这碧夜良宵,群星闪烁着。我喜爱中秋节的良宵。

    It 's such a clear night that the sky is glittering with stars . I enjoy the beautiful night of the Mid-autumn Festival .

  26. 这碧夜良宵,群星闪烁着。他沉默下来,而明亮的星星却一直在闪闪烁烁。

    It 's such a clear night that the sky is glittering with stars . He fell silent , while the vivid stars were spilt and danced always .

  27. 哦,在这神圣之夜,哦,基督莅临世上!

    O night divine , O night when Christ was born ;

  28. 冰冷的风肆意的吞噬着这蒙胧的夜。

    The icy wind is deliberately devouring the vague night .

  29. 不,因为这是除夕夜。

    No , because it 's new year 's eve .

  30. 这话也适用于这座不夜城

    The same could be said for the city that never sleeps .