
dǎnɡ cháo zhá
  • Tidal barrier;aboideau
  1. 在《黄浦江河口建闸工程规划研究》课题中,对高达20m的挡潮闸岸墙,采用何种结构形式比较合理、需要的尺度如何是课题研究的问题之一。

    In the 《 Study on the project planning of building the barrier at the mouth of Huangpu River 》, to select a reasonable structure type and its dimension for the 20 meters high retaining wall of storm surge barrier is a problem to be studied .

  2. 沿海地区挡潮闸综合防腐蚀技术

    Integrated Corrosion Protection Technology for Tide Protection Gate in Coastal Area

  3. 沿海挡潮闸焦油无机涂料防腐处理

    Corrosion protection for coastal floodgates with coal tar inorganic paints

  4. 沿海地区挡潮闸混凝土综合防腐处理技术

    Comprehensive Anticorrosion Technology of Tide Lock concrete at Coastal Area

  5. 牺牲阳极保护在挡潮闸钢结构上的应用

    Application of sacrificial anode in steel construction of tidal gate

  6. 沿海挡潮闸闸下淤积分析与疏浚技术

    Sedimentation and dredging downstream of tidal sluices along coasts

  7. 海河河口挡潮闸的泥沙问题

    The Sedimentation Problem of Haihe Estuary Check Gate

  8. 苏北沿海挡潮闸闸下水道淤积的因素和影响机制分析

    The Analyses of Factors and the Influencing Mechanism of Watercourses Siltation Under Tide-blocking Floodgates in the Coastal Regions in Northern Jiangsu Province

  9. 挡潮闸下游河道淤积原因分析及冲淤保港措施研究

    Analysis of the Course of Sedimentation in Lower Approach of the Floodgate and Research of the Project of Bring into the Tidewater and Eroding the Sedimentation

  10. 沿海流域性挡潮闸水土资源经济发展探讨&以江苏沿海四大港闸为例

    On economic development of water and soil resources for river basins tidal locks in coastal areas & Take " Four tidal locks " in Jiangsu Province as an example

  11. 苏北沿海挡潮闸闸下淤积的主要因素有:潮汐、盛行风、水道弯曲程度、上游河道断面、收益区降雨量和围垦。

    The major factors of watercourse siltation under tide-blocking floodgates in the coastal regions in northern Jiangsu province are tide , wind , the curving degree of watercourses , rainfall , and inning .

  12. 据此,对浙江省几条河流河口的现状及人类活动(引水、建水库、挡潮闸)后,河口淤积的实际资料进行了验证,其平均误差为15%。

    According to it , the data verification of several existing estuaries in Zhejiang Province and impacts of human activities ( water diversion , and construction of reservoir and tidal barrag ) is carried out and the average error is 15 % .

  13. 1983年5月,对江苏东台挡潮闸闸门及框架的潮差、水下部位作了涂料与牺牲阳极联合保护,历时两年半。

    In May 1983 , a combined protection system of coating and sacrificial anode was applied to the gate and frame of the flood gate in Dongtai , Jiangsu , within tidal range and under water . The system was operated for 2.5 years .

  14. 推荐了闸址、闸区总体布置、工程结构型式和挡潮闸运行方式,并提出了工程投资匡算和预计施工工期。

    Then the location of the tide gate , general arrangement of the gate area , the type of the structure , and the operation mode of the gate are studied , and the cost and the schedule of the project are also estimated .

  15. 依据滨海开发区的一些特点及其具体情况,加强建设沿海防护堤,经过数据分析,设计并确定防护堤的挡潮闸方法,达到泄洪、挡潮和蓄水的功能。

    Based on some of the features of the coastal zone and its specific circumstances , to strengthen the construction of coastal protection embankment , through data analysis , design , and determine the method of protection embankment tidal gates reach the spillway , block the tide and water features .

  16. 浙江海涂圩(垦)区挡潮排水闸合理布局分析

    The Study of Rational Layout of Tide-Blocking Sluice Gates in Newly Reclaimed Coastal Area

  17. 滨海圩(垦)区需要修建大量的挡潮排水闸,如何合理地确定这些闸的布局与规模是圩区规划的重要内容。

    In newly reclaimed coastal areas usually a large amount of tide-blocking sluice gates should be constructed .

  18. 本文结合浙江海涂垦区的具体条件,应用明渠不恒定流的基本理论和计算成果,分析了挡潮排水闸的适宜控制范围;

    In this paper on the basis of theory of unsteady flow in open channals the effective control area of drainage and tide-blocking sluice gates is analyzed .

  19. 同时应用系统工程的方法,以投资最小为优化准则,寻求在圩内各项除涝排水措施综合作用下,挡潮排水闸的最优布局与规模。

    With the aid of methods of system engineering taking minimum cost as objective function optimum layout and size of sluice gates under the comprehensive action of various kind of measures for removal of excessive rainfall runoff and prevention of waterlogging are also studied .

  20. 可用于新建和改造露顶式闸门,特别是挡潮、防咸闸闸门,投资不多,效益很大。

    The utility model can be used for building and rebuilding top emersed strobes , in particular to tide fending and salty water sluice gate , and the investment is small .