
  1. 经云南省政府同意,省林业厅向国家林业局上报了将云南省列为国家公园试点省的请示,并于2008年7月份得到了批准。

    Being approved by Yunnan Provincial Government , Yunnan Forestry Bureau reported that listing Yunnan as trial province of national parks and this report was approved in July , 2008 .

  2. 千佛山国家森林公园作为四川省重点旅游开发项目拥有丰富的旅游资源,如何通过市场营销将资源优势转化为市场优势是千佛山进一步发展的关键所在。

    The Thousand-Buddha Mountain Mianyang has abundant resource of tourism .

  3. 百里杜鹃国家森林公园是贵州省最早成立的两个国家森林公园之一。

    Baili Rhododendron National Forest Park is one of the two national forest parks founded earliest in Guizhou province .

  4. 黎坪国家森林公园位于陕西省汉中市南郑县境内,拥有良好的天然生态环境和区位条件。

    Liping National Forest Park , situated in Nanzheng County of Hanzhong , Shaanxi , boasts of fine natural ecological environment and geographic conditions .

  5. 兴文喀斯特地质公园位于四川省宜宾市兴文县。这里也是四川盆地和云贵高原交界处。

    Xingwen Karst Geopark is located in Xingwen County , Yibin City , Sichuan Province , where it is a transitional zone between the Sichuan Basin and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau .

  6. 根据秦岭北坡森林公园为陕西省森林生态旅游活动的主体,而森林公园游憩价值又是非市场性的,这就需要探索新的方法来进行计量测评。

    Based on TCM , the authors present a new method named group Travel Cost Interval Analysis method so as to evaluate the recreational value of nature reserves more reasonably and truly .

  7. 据青海省省级官员上周三透露,中国第一个国家公园将得到该省更大力度的政策及财政支持。

    China 's first national park will develop rapidly this year , with stronger legal and financial support from Qinghai province , the top provincial official said last Wednesday .