
The Assessment of the Reserve Resources of Cultivated Land in Shaanxi Province
Cultivated land resources evaluation method and application-A case study of Shanxi Province
Study on farmland resources in support in Xianyang municipality
Development of reserve cultivated land resources in Beijing
The main conclusions are : 1 、 Constructed Lianjiang reserve land suitability assessment system resources .
The Right of Reserve The arable land reserve resources were major supplementary source of cultivated land .
Study on Space Differential of Reserving Cultivatable Land Resources in Jiangsu Province and the Model of Exploiting Priority Scheduling
This research is finished grounded on the program of cultivated land reserves survey and evaluation in Hainan Province .
Exploitation and utilization of reserved cultivated land resources exert great influences on the development of regional social economy .
The land resources is plenty and a lot of land are not used but the land which can be opened up for farming .
Preliminary Study on Exploiting Reserved Land Resource for Cultivation and Returning Cultivated Land to Forest ( or Grassland ) for Ecological Improvement in the Western Region
However the rapid growth of rural population base and insufficient reserve cultivated land resources have made it more and more prominent between people and land .
For shiyan appropriate tillage back-up resources development potential , the number of solved shiyan area of cultivated land development and consolidation potential is unclear . 3 .
In order to develop reserve resources , increase the area of cultivated land , improve the efficiency of land use , our country carries out land consolidation .
The investigation of the types , quantity , quality and distribution of reserve cultivated land resource is the basic precondition for land development , reclamation , and Consolidation .
Third-class land reserve resources development more difficult , after vigorously improved crop yield is expected to low ; if modified properly may cause land degradation or other serious consequences .
The problems that Beijing faces now are vast population and limited farmland , increasing contradiction of supply and demand , insufficient arable land resources and strong demand for land protection .
Proposed some advices on exploitation and utilization of reserved cultivated land & adjusting measures to local conditions , scheming exploitation , controlling the scale of construction land , combining exploitation and utilization with conservation .
Our country has big population , while the amount of land is small , cultivated land resources are short-handed , the quality of cultivated land is not high , nearly two-thirds are the middle-and-low-yielding fields .
On this basis , the thesis focuses on theroy , principle , basis , methods and architectonic of The Arable Land Reserve Resources investigation , analyzes the connotation , significance , assessment principle , process and methods .
As we all know , China is large in population and rare in farmland , land reserve resources are very limited , with the continuing population growth and shrinking arable land , people-farmland contradiction becomes increasingly conspicuous .
Thereinto , the area of first potential arable land is 51800.9 hektare which is distributing in the Plain Region of the Sea Bank and the Tableland Region of Taihang Moutain which take 22.35 percent of the total potential arable land .
The contradiction between people and farmland in China is intense because of the large population and lack of fields . The needs for farmland is growing with the development of economy , the enlargement of population and the acceleration of urbanization .
The investigation and evaluation of arable land in reserve plays an important part in national land resources ` planning , managing , protecting and utilizing , especially the part in the counties ` land developing neatening , planning and construction of items .
Abstract : Panxi is not only a typical xerothermic inter-fluvial region and the ecological protective screen of Yangtze River 's upper-reach , but also the agriculture base of Sichuan , supplying vegetables and fruits , as well as the cultivatable land resources in Sichuan .
Some subsystems such as the space statistic and analyzing , reserve cultivated land resource evaluating , land quality evaluating and analyzing , land utilization evaluating and analyzing , has been deeply discussed . It offered important reference foundation for practical exploitation in the future .
With the social development , economic construction and ecological evolution , the reserve land resources of the Yellow River delta have great intensified , and the environmental disasters have led to some of the resources destroyed , however , the reserve land resources have taken great changes .
Finally , the paper also proposed the possible application orientation for the evaluation of land potential resources , mainly for the development of land development and consolidation planning provide the basis for determining the layout of land exploitation and coordination and the reasonable objectives of land development project .
Along with the development of social economy and urbanization a certain amount of land which is one of the basic factors of production will be exploited for construction . However , it is our national condition that arable land per capita is little accompanying with not enough reserve resource .
Our country with a large population and the limited land resource , therefore farmland and reserve resources are relative insufficiency .