
  • 网络cultivated land resources;farmland resource
  1. 基于GIS技术的福建省耕地资源价值评价及其分区

    Evaluation and Division on Value of Cultivated Land Resources in Fujian Based on GIS

  2. 主要是利用GM(1,1)模型预测耕地资源的未来收益,以克服与客观事实不符的传统价值模型中未来收益不变的假设的缺陷,从而计算出重庆耕地的综合价值。

    The future earnings of cultivated land resources was estimated by gray prediction method in order to overcome the defects which traditional method suppose that earnings of farmland is not change in future , and estimate the integrated value of arable land resources in Chongqing . 3 .

  3. 巴彦县耕地资源安全与三类驱动力表现出非常显著的Cubic曲线关系,说明构建的耕地资源安全变化模型符合研究区实际。

    There is a significant Cubic curve relationship between the security of cultivated land resource and the three kinds of driving forces , shows the model of security of cultivated land resources which have been established conforms to reality of the study area .

  4. 湖南省耕地资源价值核算与利用对策研究

    The Land Resource Value in Hunan Province is Appraise and Utilize

  5. 泰兴市耕地资源的态势及对策

    Situation amd countermeasures of the cultivated land resources in Taixing City

  6. 耕地资源非农化配置的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Cultivated Land Allocation Between Agricultural and Non-agricultural Sectors

  7. 大庆市耕地资源变化及其可持续利用对策研究

    The Daqing cultivated land resources change and its sustainable utilization countermeasure

  8. 山东省耕地资源变化的地域类型研究

    A Study on Change Types of Cultivated Land Resource in Shandong Province

  9. 德阳市坡耕地资源及其利用对策

    The slopping field of Deyang City and its counter measures to use

  10. 广东省耕地资源存在的问题及其对策

    Problems of Arable Land Resources in Guangdong and the Countermeasures

  11. 贵州山区非耕地资源开发构想

    Discussion on the Development of Non-cultivated Land Resources in Guizhou Mountain Region

  12. 城市化与城郊耕地资源可持续利用

    Sustainable utilization of suburb cultivated-land in the course of urbanization

  13. 实施土地整理促进耕地资源可持续利用

    Implementing land arrangement to promote the sustainable utilization of arable land resources

  14. 中国耕地资源安全问题及其对策研究

    Cultivated Land Resources Security and its Corresponding Counter-measures in China

  15. 中国耕地资源利用效益研究

    Study on the utilization benefit of cultivated land in China

  16. 赞皇县耕地资源可持续利用的对策

    Sustainable Utilization of Farmland Resource and Countermeasures in Zanhuang County

  17. 山西省永济市耕地资源可持续利用研究

    Study on Continuable Use of Plantation Resource in Yongji City

  18. 中国耕地资源动态变化剖析

    A Discussion on Variations of Cultivated Land Resources of China

  19. 试论经济发展与耕地资源保护

    Try talking about economic development And protection of resources of cultivated land

  20. 川中丘陵耕地资源可持续利用研究

    Sustainable cultivated landuse in the middle hill of Sichuan Basin

  21. 随着经济的发展和投资的增加,人均耕地资源将进一步减少。

    With the development of economy , this indicator will be decreased .

  22. 广东耕地资源的人口承载力研究

    Study on the Carrying Capacity of Farmland Resources in Guangdong

  23. 中国近期粮食生产与耕地资源变化的相关分析

    Correlation of Grain Production and Cultivation Land Resources Changes in Recent China

  24. 安徽省耕地资源数量变化及其对粮食安全的影响

    Relationship between the cultivated land change and food security in Anhui Province

  25. 河南省耕地资源现状分析及对策研究

    Research on Status of Cultivated Land Resources and Countermeasures in Henan Province

  26. 湘中丘陵岗地区非耕地资源的开发利用

    Exploitation of noncultivated land resource in Middle Hunan hills area

  27. 广西耕地资源数量变化的人文驱动力研究

    Study on Human Driving Forces of Cultivated Land Quantity Change in Guangxi Province

  28. 区域耕地资源可持续利用评价研究

    Study on Regional Cultivated Land Resource Sustainable Utilization Evaluation

  29. 经济发达地区提高耕地资源利用率探讨

    Discussion on Enhancing Utilization Ratio of Arable Land Resource in Economy Developed Regions

  30. 成都市耕地资源利用现状评价及可持续利用对策研究

    Assessment of cropland resources utilization and its countermeasures of sustainable utilization in Chengdu