
  • 网络tillage system;farming system
  1. 通过径流小区的观测试验,对川中丘陵区旱坡地3种典型的耕作制在4次降雨过程中的产流过程作了分析。

    The process of runoff in different three tillage system on four times Rainfall Condition were studied by means of the monitoring of runoff in experiment plot on slope dry land in the hilly area , Sichuan province .

  2. 根据陕北丘陵沟壑区的自然特点、耕作制度的演变和多年大田试验结果,提出在本地区推广水土保持耕作制。

    Conservation tillage system can he extended in the hilly and gully regions of NorthShaanxi based on its natural characteristics , the evolution of farming system and many years'trials .

  3. 用Fuzzy综合评判分析小麦耕作制对昆虫群落的影响

    The Application of Fuzzy Synthetic Assessment in Analyzing the Impact of Different Culture

  4. 水稻半旱式耕作制优越性的研究

    Study on the superiority of the semiarid cropping system in Rice

  5. 耕作制也影响稻田甲烷排放的季节变化规律。

    Different cropping systems also resulted in seasonal variations of methane emission .

  6. 不同耕作制对水田土壤有效硅的影响青春野绿

    Effects of cropping systems and green manure application on soil available silica

  7. 没有发现耕作制对镁的有效性及其需要量有任何影响。

    No effect of tillage on magnesium availability or requirements have ever been shown .

  8. 不同耕作制下水田土壤有机质氧化铁含量的研究

    Organic matter and iron oxide status of flooded paddy soil under different cropping systems

  9. 把作物残体混入土壤的传统耕作制。

    Incorporation of crop residues ; conventional tillage .

  10. 四川紫色土丘陵区不同耕作制的产流过程初步分析

    Study on Process of Runoff in Different Three Tillage Systems in Hilly Area , Sichuan Province

  11. 广东稻田耕作制改革策略与初步成效

    Reform strategy and preliminary achievements of farming system in cropland for rice and vegetable in Guangdong

  12. 不同耕作制下水稻土有机物质变化及其团聚作用

    Change in organic matter and its role in aggregation of paddy soils under different cropping systems

  13. 水稻耕作制改变与螟虫发生的关系

    Relationships between the change of rice cropping system and the pest status of rice stem borers

  14. 川中丘陵区典型耕作制下紫色土坡耕地的土壤侵蚀特征

    Soil Erosion Characteristics of Slope Land under Alternative Tillage Systems in Central Hilly Area of Sichuan , China

  15. 免耕和传统耕作制相比,土壤中镁的含量没有实质的变化。

    Typically , magnesium levels in soils under no tillage do not change materially from those under conventional tillage .

  16. 黔中黄壤丘陵旱坡地不同耕作制与水土保持研究

    Effect of Different Cultivation Rotation System on Soil and Water Conservation in Yellow Sloping Upland Areas of Middle Guizhou

  17. 明确了关中西部麦田不同耕作制、耕作方式与杂草的发生关系。

    The result further defined the relation between the different cropping systems or the farming way and the weed occurrence .

  18. 在所有的其它方面,少耕下的作物施肥和传统耕作制下的均类似。

    In all other respects , fertilization of crops grown under reduced tillage is comparable to fertilization under conventional tillage .

  19. 安德拉邦农业大学(海德拉巴):试验目标是评价稻-花生耕作制下达到最高产量的因素。

    Andhra Pradesh agricultural university , hyderabad : the objective is to evaluate factors for yield maximization in rice-groundnut cropping system .

  20. 阐明了广东省不同耕作制下,土壤速效磷含量差异很大,大致为菜地土壤>水稻田>果园土壤;

    The available phosphorous situations in soils of Guangdong province are narrated approximately as vegetable soil > paddy soil > orchard soil .

  21. 免耕耕作制下磷肥的施用似乎很复杂,因为此时无法将磷肥和土壤掺混。

    Application of phosphorus fertilizer to no tillage cropping systems appears to be complicated by the fact that it cannot be incorporated .

  22. 用定位试验结果,比较聚土免耕、早三熟、平作等耕作制对紫色土氮磷钾养分循环结构和强度的影响。

    A comparative study on effects of various cultivation system on nutrient cycle of purple soil was conducted according to long term experiments .

  23. 青海东部干旱农区农牧结合耕作制研究

    A Study of Farming System of the Combination of Agriculture with Livestock in the Arid Agricultural Region In the East Part of Qinghai Province

  24. 但当土壤达到饱和后,聚土免耕的径流强度与常规耕作制常规种植的差异较小,因此,聚土免耕能明显防治径流流失是有限的;

    Nevertheless , when soil is saturated , the runoff intensity of both tillage systems is near , implicating CN has the limited function of reducing runoff .

  25. 由以上的研究我们可以得出这样一个结论:免耕和少耕耕作制下,通常磷肥的施用方法可以采用地表撒施。

    As a result of the work mentioned above , the usual method of phosphate fertilization for crops grown under no tillage and minimum tillage has come to be surface broadcasting .