
cì shēnɡ wū rǎn
  • secondary pollution
  1. 除Hg属次生污染外,其他元素均属原始污染类型。

    It is held that except for He which belongs to secondary pollution , all pollution elements are of the primary pollution type .

  2. 秸秆焚烧和秸秆次生污染危害及控制利用

    Control and Use of Straw Burning and Secondary Pollution

  3. 沉积物既是水环境中重金属的主要汇集场所,又是潜在的次生污染源。

    Sediments are not only main places of heavy metals accumulating but also potential pollution sources in water environment .

  4. 结论:饮水机存在次生污染情况,使用饮水机应适时清洗,并建议饮用加热的沸水,有效防止饮水中毒事件的发生。

    Conclusion : Secondary pollution exists in drinking water machine ; clean drinking water machine regularly and drink boiled water are suggested to prevent poisoning events induced by drinking water .

  5. 沉积物污染不仅会对底栖生物产生负效应,还会对位于食物链上端的生物和人类产生影响,同时也是对水质有潜在影响的次生污染源。

    Pollution in sediment has adverse effects not only to benthos , but also to the organisms at the upper food chain and human beings . In the meantime , sediment pollution is also the potential second pollution source to water environment .

  6. 有关污泥中污染物在处理过程中的转化迁移行为及相关条件等研究工作较少,而这恰恰又是污泥处理处置中有效控制和消除其次生污染不可缺少的重要参考资料。

    But there is not enough research on the problems ( e.g. migratory behavior and relevant conditions of sludge contaminations in the treatment process ) . But they are important information on controlling and eliminating secondly pollution in the process of sludge treatment and disposal .

  7. 原生劣质地下水面积大,次生水污染现象明显,水质状况不佳。

    Large area of native low-quality groundwater , secondary water pollution phenomenon is obvious , and poor water quality .

  8. 次生(污染的)环境生物地球化学,如环境激素的影响、空气中金属微粒的污染等;

    The second is unnatural ( polluted ) environmental biogeochemistry such as the effect of environmental hormones , polluted by metal particles in the air .

  9. 次生环境多氯联苯污染水平监测及富集趋势研究

    TRENDS Research on Polychlorinated Biphenyls Pollution Levels and Its Richness Tendency in the Secondary Environment