
  • 网络ylidyne;Radetzky
  1. 给出了NURBS三次与二次基函数系数矩阵表示和NURBS三次曲面矩阵块表示。

    The coefficient matrixes of cubic and square NURBS base functions and the expression of block matrixes of cubic NURBS surface are given .

  2. 采用deBoor-Cox递推公式分别计算得一次、二次和三次基函数;

    And linear , conic and cubic basic functions are deduced by de Boor-Cox formula .

  3. 与其它插值或拟合方法相比,分阶拟合避免了矩阵奇异产生的困难;与最小移动二乘法(MLS)相比,分阶拟合只需用六个点来构造二次基近似函数,减小了计算量;

    Compared with other interpolation methods , such as MLS and PIM , FBO overcomes the difficulties arising from the singularity of matrix and only six nodes are required to establish the approximation , so that the computational effort required is reduced .

  4. 张振祥接着又提出Baillie-PSW测试的单参数二次基版本,简称单参数二次基测试(OPQBT),给出了OPQBT的出错概率计算公式,并根据n的素因子个数给出了出错概率的上界。

    Then Zhang proposed a one-parameter quadratic-base version of the Baillie-PSW probable prime test , or One-Parameter Quadratic-Base Test ( OPQBT ) for short and gave formulas for computing its probability of error .

  5. 聂斯维次基公爵站在那儿,把他的肥胖的身躯贴在桥栏上。

    Prince nesvitsky stood with his big body wedged against the railing .

  6. 服装纸样二次基型的研究

    Study of new apparel pattern derived from basic pattern

  7. 二次基函数的构造及其应用

    The construction and applications of quadratic basis functions

  8. 单参数二次基伪素数的初步研究

    On One - Parameter Quadratic - Base Pseudoprimes

  9. 为了能获得基体校正和背景校正的最佳结果,采用了二次基体校正法(用康普顿散射线和理论α系数)和两步背景校正法。

    In order to obtain optimum results of the matrix correction and the background correction , we applied the twice matrix correction method ( using compton scattering and theoretical Alpha coefficients ) and the Two-Step background correction method .