
  • 网络Post Hoc;post hoc analysis;post-hoc analysis;postmortem analysis
  1. 采用事后分析以口服抗糖尿病药或胰岛素做基准检测苯扎贝特的效果。

    A post hoc analysis was used to examine the effect of bezafibrate on progression to use of oral antidiabetic medications or insulin in individuals with diabetes at baseline .

  2. 生意失败后,通常是由会计师和市场战略家来进行事后分析。

    When businesses fail , the postmortem analysis is traditionally undertaken by accountants and market strategists .

  3. 同时,编辑组已经要求Case对最近一期报刊进行事后分析,并讨论了怎样改进报道。

    Meanwhile , the team has asked Case to do a postmortem on the last issue and share ideas on improving stories .

  4. 说明:因为对追踪文件事后分析过程会有一些内存开销,所以最好用Java选项-Xmx来增加堆的大小。

    Note : Since the post analysis process to trace file may suffer from some memory overhead , it 's better to increase process heap size via the-Xmx Java option .

  5. ROADMAP事后分析显示奥美沙坦预防微量白蛋白尿(MAU)具有“可观的独立于BP之外的作用”。

    A pos-hoc analysis of ROADMAP demonstrated a " substantial BP-independent effect " of olmesartan in preventing microalbuminuria .

  6. ERP系统集成了大量的基础数据和信息共享,在采购管理方面,着重体现了事前计划、事中控制、事后分析的思想。

    ERP system concentrates a mass of basic data and information share , on the part of purchase management , emphases the idea of " pre-plan , middle-control and after-analysis " .

  7. 另外,RCA指数是一种事后分析指标,它是从一国已经发生的出口额变动情况来推算其先前所具有的比较优势。

    In addition , RCA is an index who studies afterwards and reckons the previous comparative advantage from the export which had happened .

  8. 共聚焦图像事后分析显示杯状细胞和吸收细胞是诊断肠上皮化生的两个最敏感指标(P0.001)。

    Post-CLE image analysis showed goblet cells and absorptive cells were found the two most common parameters in CLE-diagnosed IM images ( P0.001 ) .

  9. 在所有对页面进行链接分析并提取分组的算法中,HITS算法是应用最为广泛的一种事后分析算法,目前在不少的Web结构挖掘系统中都有相关的应用。

    In all related algorithms carrying on link analysis and extracting group , HITS ( Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search ) is a kind of afterwards parsing algorithm that most widely used . At present there are many related applications in Web structure mining system .

  10. 然后介绍了如何通过ERP系统结合企业自身特点进行成本管理体系规划,以及如何利用ERP系统进行事前规划、事中控制、事后分析的管理过程。

    Secondly , how to combine the features of enterprise with ERP system for cost management system planning , and how to make use of the ERP system to conduct prior planning , in-process control and post analysis management are introduced .

  11. JIT将其与预处理和事后分析相结合,同时Kawaguchi对此的补充也说明了这样的事实:编译器已从循环的快速执行部分当中移除了一个冗余的数组索引检查。

    JIT combines this with a warm up and cool down and Kawaguchi 's commentary highlights the fact that the compiler has removed a redundant array index check from the fast part of the loop .

  12. Xdebug可以显示堆栈跟踪,转储甚为复杂的变量,随时间跟踪内存使用量,并允许您在出错或崩溃时(不是如果,而是发生时)进行有效的事后分析。

    Xdebug can show a stack trace , dump even complex variables , track memory usage over time , and allow you to conduct an effective post-mortem when an error or crash occurs ( not if , but when ) .

  13. 钻头进尺的预测与事后分析方法

    An approach to prediction and post drill analysis of drill bit footage

  14. 仿真结果实时图形显示与事后分析、处理系统

    Real-Time Graphical Display , Post Analysis and Processing System for Simulation Results

  15. 遥测数据事后分析处理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Telemetry Data Post-processing and Analyzing System

  16. 应用于仿真系统事后分析的统计显示技术

    Statistic and Display Technologies of Post Analysis in Simulation System

  17. 利用数据库的记录数据进行基本的事后分析工作。

    And finish the analysis after action using the data in logging database .

  18. 联合作战模拟系统中事后分析系统军事需求分析

    Military Requirements Analysis of After Action Review System in Joint Operations Simulation System

  19. 研究基于总线消息事后分析方法。

    The method of post-hoc analysis based on bus information monitoring is studied .

  20. 商业智能不只是在事后分析和报告信息的手段。

    Business intelligence is not just a means of analyzing and reporting information after the fact .

  21. 同时,通过审计的两级实时报警和对审计信息的事后分析,提高了审计信息的利用率。

    Two-level real-time alarm and second analysis of audit information enhance the utility of audit information .

  22. 它用于对系统转储进行事后分析,或用于监视运行中的内核。

    It is used for post-mortem analysis of system dumps , or for monitoring the running kernel .

  23. 该系统集成了测试与事后分析、实验报告生成功能,并使用关系数据库对实验数据进行了记录。

    This system integrate the test and analysis functions , using the database to save the test data .

  24. 此研究为压力容器的现场修复焊接可靠性的事后分析验证工作提供了一个有参考价值的方法和实例。

    It provides a referential method to post - factum analysis of repairing welding procedures of pressure vessels .

  25. 而以往的定价策略一直属于市场营销管理的范畴,财务管理多偏重于财务制度的制定、实施和事后分析及控制。

    Finance management focuses on the setup of financial policy , policy execution as well as result analysis and control .

  26. 这类资产价格泡沫难以识别:事后分析容易,事前预测可不简单。

    Asset-price bubbles of this type are hard to identify : after the fact is easy , but beforehand is not .

  27. 四类性别角色之间差异显著,事后分析显示双性化与女性化、未分化数据差异显著。

    Four kinds of gender roles significant difference between afterwards , the analysis showed that the androgyny and feminine , undifferentiated significantly different .

  28. 传统的企业管理侧重于事后分析和总结,利用过去的经验作为未来的指导。

    Traditional business administration lays particular emphasis on analysis and summarization afterwards , utilizing the past experiences as the guidance of the future .

  29. 其他人认为,伦理委员会应该仅仅接触试验综合体(例如,对从前实验的数据进行事后分析)和科学评估。

    Others say that ERCs should merely have access to research syntheses ( i.e.meta-analyses of data from previous trials ) and scientific reviews [ 7 ] .

  30. 您是否在适合的位置设置了监视,能在问题导致网站故障之前将其发现,而不是把时间浪费在事后分析上?

    Do you have monitoring in place so you can discover problems before they bring down your site down , rather than waste time in post-mortem analysis ?