
shì ɡù yǐn huàn
  • Accident potential;hidden risk of accident
  1. 该城市中许多楼房都存在事故隐患。

    A lot of the city 's buildings are accidents waiting to happen .

  2. 定量AHP在危险行业事故隐患分析中的应用

    Application of Quantitative AHP to Analysis of Accident Potential in Dangerous Trade

  3. 运行中一相500kVCVT事故隐患的分析

    Analysis of Hidden Trouble for 500 kV CVT of One Phase Accident in Operation

  4. PLR事故隐患分级法在上海市化工企业中的应用

    Application of PLR Classification Guide for Accidental Potential in Shanghai Chemical Enterprises

  5. 针对10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)控制棒传动机构可能出现的事故隐患&链条断裂、联轴器键损坏等现象,建立了其传动机构的理论分析模型,进行了能量分析。

    This paper presents a theoretical model for the control rod drive mechanism for the 10MW High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor ( HTR 10 ) and analyzes accidents which may occur in the drive mechanism , for example , chain break , coupling damage and other damage scenarios .

  6. 系统地分析了重大工业危险源与事故隐患;

    Major industrial risk sources and hidden dangers are systematically analyzed .

  7. 高架门机安全事故隐患分析及预防措施

    Analysis and countermeasures of the safety accident of overhead gantry cranes

  8. 论重大危险源监控与重大事故隐患治理

    Discussion on Control of Major Hazards and of Major Accident Potential

  9. 你没有采取预防措施消除事故隐患。

    You didn 't take preparatory measures to eliminate potential danger .

  10. 一起事故隐患的发现及建议

    F in d in g of a Hidden Fault and Suggestion

  11. 筑路机械事故隐患分析与预防

    Analysis of Accident Hidden Trouble of Roadway Machinery and its Prevention

  12. 基于小波神经网络的事故隐患危险性评价

    Fatalness assessment of accident hidden danger based on wavelet neural network

  13. 单井口承包是地方煤矿又一重大事故隐患

    Contracting single shaft is a serious hidden peril of accidents

  14. 事故隐患两阶段风险评价方法的研究

    Study on the Two-stage Risk Evaluation Methods for Potential Hazards

  15. 重大工业事故隐患辨识与评价方法研究

    Study on Recognition and Evaluation of Hidden Danger of Major Industrial Accident

  16. 对各类状态的事故隐患进行了分析并提出了预防措施。

    All of them were analyzed and prevention measures were put forwards .

  17. 西安市城中村事故隐患分析及对策措施研究

    Study on hidden danger analysis and countermeasures of urban villages in Xi'an

  18. 基于大型金属矿山排土场事故隐患的安全评价

    Safety assessment of potential accidents at large metal mine dump

  19. 对查出的事故隐患,严格整改处理。

    Any discovered potential hazards shall be strictly rectified .

  20. 加强个体私营汽车加油站安全管理消除事故隐患

    Enhancing Safety Management of Private Automobile Gasoline Filling Station , Eliminating Hidden Trouble

  21. 南宁市突发性污染事故隐患调查

    Investigation on Potentially Sudden Pollution Accident in Nanning City

  22. 油田开发建设过程中往往会存在某些事故隐患。

    Usually there are hidden dangers in the exploitation of an oil field .

  23. 事故隐患防治与超前安全教育的哲学思考

    Philosophic Thinking of Preventing the Hidden Danger of Accident and Safety Education Beforehand

  24. 煤矿事故隐患监控预警的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of coal mine accident hidden danger monitoring and early warning

  25. 将化石燃料从地下开采出来既包含事故隐患,也带来环境挑战。

    Removing fossil fuels from the ground involves both accident risks and environmental challenges .

  26. 煤矿重大瓦斯事故隐患治理工程探讨

    Discussion on Approaches to Control Significant Hidden Perils of Gas Accident in Coal Mines

  27. 加强档案馆的安全管理,杜绝事故隐患的发生;

    Enhance the security management of archives , and prohibit hidden causes for accidents ;

  28. 地方小煤矿存在的事故隐患及安全管理对策

    Analysis onthe accident potential of the small local mine and the security management countermeasures

  29. 关于石化企业生产系统事故隐患的探讨

    Discussion about Accident Potential in Petrochemical Production System

  30. 发现职业中毒事故隐患时,应当及时报告。

    When finding potential occupational poisoning accidents , they shall make reports in time .