
  1. 现在我有一事相求。

    Now , I have a favor to ask of you .

  2. 如果没有什么事相阻,我明天去看你。

    I will see you tomorrow , should nothing intervene .

  3. 麦克斯,我有一事相求。

    Max , I got a favor to ask you .

  4. 好我也有一事相求

    Yes , and I have a request of you .

  5. 根本无法与家务事相结合的日常工作负担。

    A work load that is quite impossible to combine with domestic responsibilities .

  6. 我有一事相求。

    I come to ask you a favor .

  7. 於法院事相任何目的所需的任何宣誓及誓章,司法常主任具有誓和理誓章的限。

    The Registrar shall have authority to administer any oath and take affidavit required for any purpose connected with the business of the court .

  8. 不过还有一事相求我想求个人能在今天与我共同主持我的生日秀

    Well , there is one thing and that is , I ask for my birthday to have a co host for my birthday show .

  9. 若无其它事相阻,他礼拜六来。可得赶个礼拜六,我不用接孩子的时候。

    He will come on Saturday if nothing interferes . It 'd better be on a Saturday , when I don 't have to pick up the kid .

  10. 拍卖欺诈是指拍卖当事人在拍卖过程中虚构事实或隐瞒真相,使拍卖当事相对方作出错误意思表示的行为。

    Auction fraud refers to the auction parties fabricate fictional facts or conceal the truth during the auction in order to make the relative sides of the auction to express their intentions falsely .

  11. 那么,从表面上来看,这似乎与开场白中第三天发生的事相抵触,在那里,上帝使地长出植物和水果树,使地上覆盖着菜蔬。

    Now , on the surface , this seems to contradict what happened on day three in the prologue where God caused the earth to sprout plants and fruit trees to cover the earth with vegetation .

  12. 在现有代码和项目与您要做的事相符合时使用它们是一件好事,不要因为您要解决的问题实际上是一个新问题而感到害怕。

    While it 's always a good thing to use existing code and projects when they do match what you 're doing , don 't be afraid to conclude that the problem you 're solving really is a new problem .

  13. 就其映现生活现实的方式而言,其碎片化影像符码消解了真实与虚构的差异,它通过影像蒙太奇中某些生活痕迹的延伸,含蓄性地指涉到现实事相的相关意义。

    The fragmented code of optical impression eliminates the differences between reality and fabrication , in terms of the way to reflect the reality of life , and it references to the significance of real events in a reserved way by extending traces of life in optical impression montage .

  14. 好似梦中事,相吻在太空。

    The dream kiss in space will come true soon .

  15. 如果你能对同事表示乐于接受他们的意见,他们可能会更愿意接受你的,而且他们会对你想知道的事总是如实相告。

    If you can show your colleagues you are receptive to their ideas , they 're more likely to be receptive to yours and to keep you honestly informed about the things you need to know .

  16. 除乘客或其他公司特准在路理合法事或理路相的合法事的人外,任何人不得在路所的任何部分之或其附近。

    No person other than passengers or other persons having the authority of the corporation and on lawful business in or in connection with the railway shall loiter in or about any part of the railway premises .

  17. 结果那位专家告诉我,他们不想要我的证词,因为我的证词与(他们对这件事的)叙述相抵触。

    My testimony was not wanted , the specialist told me , because it contradicts the narrative .

  18. 人处事的方式都与他对这件事抱有的想法相一致。

    Every person must deal with each thing according to the opinion that he holds about it .

  19. 中国古代封建统治者为了实现对官吏活动的全过程的监督,精心擘划了一套事前、事中与事后相结合的严密的监察方式。

    In ancient China , the feudal rulers designed a series of strict supervision methods to officials ' activities .

  20. 尊重个体的观点认为,每个个体不仅是单纯的生命个体,而且也是与他人、他事、他物相联系的社会生活中的个体。

    The standpoints of the emphasis on the individual are as follows : Each individual not only is a pure individual as a living creature , but also is also an individual in the social activities that contacts each other with person , things and objects .