
  1. 事死如生:云南马关苗族的丧葬文化

    Funeral Culture of Maguan Miao People in Yunnan Province

  2. 第四部分深入分析“事死如生”晚商墓葬埋葬观念的深层原因。

    In the forth section , the author thoroughly analyzes the reasons of the study .

  3. 其存在的作用与阴宅构筑的便利、身份等级的差别、事死如生的社会心态相一致。

    Its resulting function is consistent with the facility of building Yin house ( or house with negative nature ), the difference of identity grade and the social mentality of taking death like being born .

  4. 最后,对作为孝的构成部分的事死如事生亦即为父母居丧守孝以及祭祀的意义进行了分析医院开展居丧护理服务概述

    The article concludes with an analysis of the significance of mourning and memorial ceremony for the dead parents , which constitutes part of the meaning of filial piety . Necessity and Implementation of Providing Bereavement Care Services in Hospital Settings