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yánɡ kuánɡ
  • feign madness
佯狂 [yáng kuáng]
  • [pretend to be mad] 装疯

  • 有剪发杜门,佯狂不知所之者。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  1. 初到贬所的杨慎内心充满了思乡、孤独、痛苦怨恨等情绪,还不得不放诞佯狂以避祸。

    In early days he arrived , his mind was filled with homesickness , loneliness , resentment and pain , and he had to pretend unrestrained to avoid misfortune .

  2. 疯癫是一种精神畸变和异质,20世纪中国文学中的疯颠,主要有两类:被现存文化秩序命名的疯癫和自我命名的疯癫即佯狂。

    Insaneness is the spiritual aberrance . In Chinese Literature of the 20th century , it can be divided into two types : the insaneness named by the society and feign madness named by the patients themselves .