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miè zú
  • extermination of an entire family
灭族 [miè zú]
  • [ extermination of an entire family] 一人犯罪,诛灭全族

  • 此何进之谋也;我等不先下手,皆灭族矣。--《三国演义》

灭族[miè zú]
  1. 她的忠诚使自己的部落被灭族。

    Her loyalty got her entire tribe killed .

  2. 然而死后不足三年,霍氏家族却罹灭族之祸。

    However , three years after his death , All members of Huo family were butchered unexpectedly .

  3. 部落认为,耐奥祖和他们那些曾经用巨大牺牲换取强大力量而几乎灭族的先人差不多。

    They consider him no better than their forefathers who nearly damned their entire race by accepting great power in exchange for a terrible sacrifice .

  4. 只因这个大陆上原本平衡的力量被打破了:是天界第一神族的魔神族,遭到了人族和魔族叛军的联手攻击,在孤立无援的情况下几乎惨遭灭族。

    The Protoss , the first race in the heaven , are attacked by the Terrans and the betrayers of the Asmodians , and the whole race is nearly ruined .

  5. 转业成为专门博客作家的菲德尔卡斯特罗说,虽然他并不质疑奥巴马总统的诚意,但是这些措施无助于解除“灭族似的”经济禁令。

    In his new role as a blogger , Fidel Castro said that while he did not question Mr Obama 's sincerity , the measures did nothing to dismantle the " genocidal " embargo .

  6. 这个国家在独立中诞生,却可以对种族霸权心安理得,这个国家一直费尽心机通过法律明确白与非白、借用与灭族盗取的区分。

    This is a country founded on independence and yet comfortable with racial domination , a country that has forever been trying to legislate the lines between whiteness and nonwhiteness , between borrowing and genocidal theft .