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shì jī
  • deed;achievement
事迹 [shì jì]
  • [deed] 过去做过的较重要的事情

  • 英雄事迹

  • 我们祖先的许多有骨气的动人的事迹,还有它积极的教育意义,是值得我们学习的。--《谈骨气》

事迹[shì jī]
  1. 黄继光的英勇事迹尽人皆知。

    Huangjiguang 's gallant deed is known by all men .

  2. 摘要事迹报告依托于有声语言的表述技巧。

    A deed report depends on expression skill of sound language .

  3. 古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。

    Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean .

  4. 他的英勇事迹在印度各地广为传颂。

    His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India .

  5. 他的先进事迹都上了电视了。

    His model deeds have been publicized on TV .

  6. 人民子弟兵的事迹举不胜举。

    The heroic deeds of the people 's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate .

  7. 黄继光的英勇事迹值得大书特书。

    The heroic deeds of Huang Jiguang deserve to be recorded in letters of gold .

  8. 他抢救落水儿童的事迹今天上报了。

    In today 's newspaper there is an article about how he rescured a child from drowning .

  9. 这一仗,可歌可泣的英雄事迹多得很啦!

    There have been a lot of heroic and moving deeds performed in this fighting , both happy and tragic .

  10. 当地群众中传颂着他的英雄事迹。

    His heroic deeds are continually on the lips of the local inhabitants .

  11. 文章记叙了他的先进事迹。

    The article tells about his exemplary deeds .

  12. 他有过很多英勇的事迹。

    He performed many daring exploits .

  13. 当格里尔斯听说尼古拉斯的惊人事迹时,他对尼古拉斯的成功印象深刻,因为他比任何人都清楚尼古拉斯要想活下来必须付出多大的努力。

    When Grylls heard about Nicholas ' amazing deeds , he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive .

  14. 那名年轻的飞行员吹嘘他在空中飞行的英勇事迹。

    The young aviator bragged of his exploits in the sky .

  15. 他们的事迹可学可做,他们的精神可追可及。

    Their deeds can be followed and their spirit can be pursued .

  16. 听见了他的伟大事迹后,人人纷纷从四面八方慕名而来。

    On hearing of his amazing feat2 , people came from far and wide to admire Yi .

  17. 在大型吊车的守护下,巴黎圣母院仍然使人联想起两年前火灾的惨烈和人们的英勇事迹。

    Beneath its protective cranes , Notre Dame1 still embodies2 the horror and heroism3 that unfolded here two years ago .

  18. 革命文物承载党和人民英勇奋斗的光荣历史,记载中国革命的伟大历程和感人事迹,是党和国家的宝贵财富,是弘扬革命传统和革命文化、加强社会主义精神文明建设、激发爱国热情、振奋民族精神的生动教材。

    Revolutionary cultural relics hold the glorious history of the heroic struggles of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the people , and are records of the great course and touching and invigorating the Chinese ethos .

  19. 苏珊•B•安东尼有何事迹?

    What did Susan B.Anthony do ?

  20. 当爱德华?g?罗宾逊把他的事迹搬上银幕时,约翰尼与其说高兴不如说生气。

    When Edward g. Robinson portrayed him in a movie , Johnny was more annoyed than pleased .

  21. 这个句子中monument是指“纪念碑”。这个好句子就是指Titanic不仅是悲剧的纪念碑,而且是英雄主义、勇敢事迹的纪念碑。

    The Titanic is not just a monument to tragedy , but also to heroism .

  22. HotSpot还会根据用户过去的分享、评论等活动,生成个人事迹,供用户浏览与回顾。

    Based on the user activities such as shared contents and published comments , HotSpot creates personal deeds for the users to review .

  23. 今晚我们的“MakingaDifference”节目报道了Crave兄弟的事迹,他们一点一点地实现绿化和环保,在逐渐改变美国人的传统。

    Our ' Making a Difference ' report tonight is how Brothers are going green , a little bit at a time , by transforming an American tradition .

  24. 在雅虎(Yahoo)收购了Launch之后,古德伯格在情人节向办公室所有女性送玫瑰花的事迹被传为佳话。

    After Yahoo acquired Launch , Mr. Goldberg became known for distributing roses to all the women in the office on Valentine 's Day .

  25. 还在上高中时,说话温和的yagi就深受史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)在苹果(apple)的事迹鼓舞。

    While still in high school , the softly spoken Mr Yagi was inspired by what Steve Jobs was doing at Apple .

  26. 圣殿主任司铎热罗尼莫.雷耶斯(GeronimoReyes)蒙席说,庆典是一个良机去反省自己的生命及圣李乐伦的殉道事迹。

    Monsignor Geronimo Reyes , parish priest and rector of the Minor Basilica , said the celebration is a good opportunity to reflect on the life and martyrdom of the Filipino saint .

  27. 它是一个爱国主义巨著,叙述了Manas,他的后裔以及他的追随者的事迹,他们在九世纪反对维吾尔族入侵,从而捍卫了吉尔吉斯斯坦的独立。

    It is a patriotic work recounting the exploits of Manas and his descendants and followers , who fought against the Uyghurs in the ninth century to preserve Kyrgyz independence .

  28. 在生物学教育中,应通过科学史教育、STS教育、介绍科学家的生平事迹、指出生物学理论的局限性、美育等途径实施人文教育。

    The approaches to implementing humanities education are as follows : conducting scien-tific history education , STS education and aesthetic education , introducing lofty morality of scientists , showing limi-tation of biology theory and so forth .

  29. Potokar接受记者的e-mail访问时表示,他在两年前首次听说Marko的事迹,就非常渴望有机会和这位小神童见面。

    Potokar said in an e-mail interview that he first heard about Marko two years ago and was eager to get the chance to meet the young prodigy .

  30. 让我们为他们的事迹感到惊叹吧。

    Let us look in awe at some of their deeds .