
shì shí zhēn xiàng
  • the truth of the matter;what's what
事实真相[shì shí zhēn xiàng]
  1. “影子摩西”对于纯粹寻求消遣的或是认真计较的读者都将是引人入胜的,且定将把读者引入一个将持续多年的对事实真相的鲜活的讨论。

    " Shadow Moses " is an engrossing read for casual and serious readers alike , and promises to involve readers in a meaty debate over the truth of the matter for many years to come .

  2. 随着事实真相在媒体上逐渐明朗,许多贸易经济学家纷纷质疑保护主义者对事实的自私扭曲,人们重新看到了强健的自由贸易共识,保护主义者的鼓噪销声匿迹。

    As the truth of the matter became manifest in the media , with many trade economists challenging the self-serving distortions by protectionists , the free trade consensus was again seen to be robust and the protectionist buzz died down .

  3. 这又是企图分散人们对事实真相的注意力。

    It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth .

  4. 你不可能永远瞒着她,不让她知道事实真相。

    You can 't shield her from the truth forever .

  5. 他不顾一切地搜集有关他父亲的事实真相。

    He was unrelenting in his search for the truth about his father .

  6. 可能难以查明事实真相。

    It can be difficult to ascertain the facts .

  7. 他是否认识到事实真相无关紧要。

    Whether or not he realised the fact was neither here nor there .

  8. 资料这么多,你几乎可以毫不费力地找到事实真相。

    There is so much information you can almost effortlessly find the facts for yourself

  9. 到时候他会把事实真相告诉你的。

    He 'll show you what 's what in time .

  10. 事实真相已泄露。

    The truth has leaked out .

  11. 事实真相能在几本旧书里找到。

    The facts are buried in a few old books .

  12. 我因为没有告诉她事实真相而感到内疚。

    I had a guilty conscience about not telling her the truth .

  13. 迟早我们会查出事实真相。

    We shall find the truth early or late .

  14. 他正在努力了解事实真相。

    He is at pains to find facts .

  15. 狡辩无法掩盖事实真相。

    Sophistry can never cover up the truth .

  16. 经理查阅了前一年的记录,试图弄清事实真相。

    The Manager checked back at the previous year , trying to get at the fact .

  17. 这篇报导歪曲了事实真相。

    The report wrests the facts out of their true meaning .

  18. 这种事总是歪曲了事实真相,因为谁都不是给别人当俘虏或牺牲品——人都是自由行事的,不论命运是好是坏,都由自己来作主。

    This is always a distortion of reality , for people are not the captives or victims of others — they are free agents , working out their own destinies for good or for ill .

  19. A.相比起乐观主义者,悲观主义者大概更接近事实真相吧。

    A. THE PESSIMIST IS PROBABLY more right about how it would turn out than the optimist .

  20. 历史能提供事实真相,而托尔斯泰(tolstoy)或许能加深你的了解。

    The history would give you the facts . But the Tolstoy might provide a more profound understanding .

  21. 但是在开始之前,我将花一点时间来划清JSFFUD与事实真相。

    But before we get into all that , I 'll take just a minute to separate some JSF FUD from fact .

  22. 这个报告歪曲事实真相。

    This report wrests the facts out of their true meaning .

  23. 他回来时,汤姆会告诉他事实真相的。

    Tom will tell him the truth when he comes back .

  24. 我们一定要(他那里)事实真相查清楚。

    We must dig the truth out ( of him ) .

  25. 测验事实真相的行为。

    The act of finding or testing the truth of something .

  26. 你不想听到事实真相的,伙计!

    You don 't want to hear the facts , man !

  27. 他的话中略微道出了一点事实真相。

    There was a glimpse of truth in what he said .

  28. 事实真相这里无从判断。

    From here , the true facts are impossible to determine .

  29. 在公职人员受到不公平指责时指出事实真相;

    Facts are pointed out when public officers are unjustly accused ;

  30. 他们都说自己想知道事实真相。

    Who claim they want to know the ultimate truth about reality .