
  1. 安妮·塞克斯顿(AnneSexton)这类诗人倾向于把什么都写进诗里,其中还有不少情色内容,似乎未经过滤,毕肖普却走向了相反的方向,相信弦外之音那种静谧的力量。

    If someone like Anne Sexton had a tendency to throw everything in , a lot of it erotic and seemingly unfiltered , Bishop tacked in the opposite direction , trusting in the hushed power of what had been left out .

  2. 苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯节选了部分歌词写进了他的诗中。

    Poet Robert Burns based some of the song 's words on a Scottish poem .

  3. 他借那次机会结识了教堂风琴师,后来总算以一个低音部歌手进了唱诗班。

    By this means he had become acquainted with the organist , and the ultimate result was that he joined the choir as a bass voice .

  4. 作为中国近现代美学思想的发轫者,王国维在借鉴以康德等为代表的西方审美超利害说的基础上,结合中国社会的实际,糅进古老的诗教传统,形成了独特的审美功利主义。

    Under the foundation of western theory of disinterest that takes Kant as representative , Wang Guo-wei formed his unique esthetic utilitarianism combining with reality of the society of China .

  5. 坦博拉所带来的后果肆虐全球之时,诗人李于阳32岁,他把冰冷的倾盆大雨和大洪水写进了自己的诗《秋雨叹》。

    The poet , Li Yuyang , who was 32 as Tambora began its global rampage , wrote of cold downpours and flash flooding in " A Sigh for Autumn Rain . "