
  1. 他们还住著这所房子,我们无法出售。

    While they are in possession we can 't sell the house .

  2. 这个房间里只住著一个男孩和一条大猎狗。

    The room 's sole occupant is the boy and a big hound .

  3. 浣熊阿杰说篱笆后面住著一种叫做人类的贪婪生物。

    Racoon RJ says that over the hedge live greedy creatures called humans .

  4. 在一间孤立的小屋里,住著一位老僧侣和他年轻的徒弟。

    In a lonely hut lives an old monk with his young novice .

  5. 心底某个地方住著一个不知名的情愫,你弱它就强。

    Heart some place lived an unknown sentiment , you weak it strong .

  6. :保管,占有他们还住著这所房子,我们无法出售。

    Eg. While they are in possession we can 't sell the house .

  7. 很久之前,那里住著三只小猪和它们的母亲。

    Once upon a time , there lived three little pigs with their mother .

  8. 在悲哀熔炉著火的心脏地区,住著许多可怕的生物。

    The fiery heart of Sorrow 's Furnace is home to some of Tyria 's most fearsome creatures .

  9. 从前,一所孤僻的农舍里住著一位贫穷的寡妇。

    Once upon a time there lived in a lonely cottage , surrounded by a garden , a poor widow .

  10. 它有坚固的护城墙、有强悍的士兵把守,里面住著人口众多的居民,而且物资非常充足。

    It was a strong walled city with solders to defend it and with plenty of food for the people living inside .

  11. 天正年间,京都北部的一个地区住著一位老人,人们都称他果正居士。

    During the period of Tensho there lived , in one of the northern districts of kyoto , an old man whom the people called Kwashin koji .

  12. 从前,在某个村子里住著一位很善良的人,他从来不伤害任何人,而且对待所有的村民都非常友善。

    Nce in a village there lived a very virtuous gentleman who never harmed anyone and was always very , very good to all the people in his community .

  13. 大约2000年前,在中东以色列这个地方有一个小小的城镇叫拿撒勒,这里住著一位年轻的女子,她的名字叫马利亚。

    Almost 2 , 000 years ago a young woman was going about her ordinary , every-day work . Her name was Mary and she lived in Nazareth , in the tiny country of Israel in the Middle East .

  14. 每当妇女们谈到关于年轻女子的问题时,她们忍不住催促著安琪采取些行动。

    As they talked of the problems facing younger girls , many women urged Angela to do something .

  15. 亲爱的忍不住的微笑著。

    My beloved smiles civilly .